TITLE: "Six Days of Separation" AUTHOR: Kirsten Kerkhof * CLASSIFICATION: MSR KEYWORDS: S R H, Mulder POV RATING: R for sexual situations (nothing graphic) and bad words. SPOILERS: None TIMELINE: About season 7-ish. SUMMARY: Scully attends a pathology conference while Mulder freelances for the BSU and the phone is their only means of communicating. It works better than they thought. DISCLAIMER: Not mine. Whose are they by now anyway? LOL ARCHIVING: Sure. I'll do Gossamer myself, all others: you're welcome when you tell me where it's going, 'kay? FEEDBACK: Cherished and worshipped at XxXxX Prologue "How do you do that?" "How do I do what?" I smile. She's sitting in bed next to me, her back against the headboard, typing on her laptop. I'm lying on my side, watching her. I tried to coax her into a little co-ed fun, but no, the report comes first. Well, I'll let her, but only for a while. Work interfered with our private lives for way too long before we finally came to our senses and started doing what we should've been doing for years. "That thing you do with your hair." She looks at me and frowns a little. "I don't get it." "Two swipes, couple of twists, quick flick with that hairclip and your hair is up, making you look like one of those 1950s French movie actresses." She chuckles. "Oh that." She waggles her eyebrows at me, giving me a dazzling smile. "That is a girl's secret." I chuckle. "It's just a practical thing, you know. You like?" "Yeah, it's sexy." She chuckles, closing her laptop. "Well, it's functional if nothing else." She puts the computer down on the bedside table. Then she turns to face me. "You really think it's sexy?" I nod. She reaches up and removes the hairclip, making her tresses tumble down. She washed her hair this afternoon and she didn't blow-dry it so it's all soft and wavy. She then proceeds to shake her hair in the most alluring way imaginable, and finishes by looking at me, her eyes dark from under her mussed- up hair. Jesus Christ ... "Better than this?" I think I'm having trouble breathing ... "Holy shit, Scully, are you trying to kill me?" She grins and rolls over and on top of me, her breasts pert under the little tank top she's wearing to bed. It's only a pretence to modesty and I can't wait to get rid of it. "Well, not really." She reaches down to capture my open mouth with hers, kissing me long and slow. We emerge from the kiss undeniably aroused. Looks like I'm going to get my fun after all. "I got an invitation for a conference," she says, but I'm not at all interested. "Later," I say, trying to get her mind off the damn work and on to something infinitely more entertaining. "It's six days. I'll be gone for nearly a week. And it's in Fort Lauderdale, Florida." "No problem." Damn it, woman, I don't care! "You think I should go?" "Yeah, whatever. Go if you want to," I murmur, my face now level with her breasts. She's being totally unfair because in this position she could suggest I live-donate a kidney, couple of pints of blood and half my brain, and I'd still say yes. I push her tank top up to reveal her breasts and start suckling her like a baby, revelling in the soft contented sounds I hear. She lets out a long moan. "All right, I'll go," she says. Then she rolls us both over so I'm on top of her and I start my preferred journey of all: a slow and thorough trek down her tight little body to where I can exercise my favourite hobby. You know what they say: if you can say cunnilingus, you can probably do it. XxXxX "Six days?" "Mulder, you agreed." "I did? When?" "Last night, in bed. I told you about the conference and you said I should go. I wasn't too sure, but now that I think about it, it's probably a great opportunity to learn all the latest insights and the advances in technology that will come in handy." "But it's six days!" She stares at me. "Yes, what about it?" I look down at my hands. "Nothing. It's just that ..." "What?" I sigh. How am I going to put this so it sounds more like a genuine cause of worry and less like a childish whine? "We've never been apart for so long. Except for ... well ..." I see her smile a little. "I know. But I've missed too many conferences already because we were in the field ever time. I really need to attend this one to keep my licence. I can't risk losing my qualifications as a pathologist, and currently I'm in danger of doing just that." "You can't attend, you know, just part of it?" Her smile widens. "I'm sorry." She gets up and crosses the office and sits on the edge of my desk. "It's just six days. Why don't you ask Skinner for a case, or maybe you can assist somewhere. Heck, you can always clean up the office, that should keep you busy for at least a week." I frown. "You're evil, you know that?" XxXxXxXxXxX Day 1, 5:36 pm [Scully.] "Hey, Scully, it's me." [Hey, how are you doing?] I smile. It's way too silent in our office and I've been bored stiff all day. "Not bad. I'm bored though." [No case?] "Nope. I went to see Skinner, but he said he'd rather I waited till you were back. For a moment I almost thought he didn't trust me alone." I hear her chuckle. [Well, we are better as a team.] "How's the conference?" [I think it's going to be very interesting. I mean, today was just the introduction, you know, registering, getting to know the people on my team, checking into the hotel. It's a very good hotel actually. Quite a cut above our usual haunts.] "Are you implying I don't know how to take care of you?" She laughs. [I wouldn't dare. Nah, the Bureau is just too damn cheap. I have a small infra-red sauna in my room even, it's delicious, I tried it out about an hour ago.] Visions of a naked, sweaty Scully invade my brain and more than one part of my body is suddenly on high alert. A moan slips out before I can stop it. "Don't do that." [Do what?] she asks and I can hear her grin. "You know what!" I hear her chuckle and I smile. "I miss you." A sigh on the other side. [Yeah, me too.] "Already, huh?" [Yeah, we're pathetic.] I laugh. "So, what are your plans for tonight?" I ask, not sure in fact that I really want to know. She's a woman in a man's world after all, there are bound to be loads of good-looking men at that conference. I know we're together, and I know she loves me, but that doesn't mean I don't get jealous. [Don't know. It's too hot to go out so I'm going to take advantage of a decent a/c and stay indoors today. I'll probably pop down to the hotel gym for a work-out and go to bed early. We have a long day of practical seminars tomorrow and I want to be rested for that.] Doesn't sound like she's going on a date then. I kick myself. Cut it out! She's never given you a reason to be jealous! [How about you?] "Mmm? Oh. Uh, I think I might stop by the guys for a bit, I haven't seen them for too long. And I think I'll turn in early as well. I probably won't sleep, but ..." She doesn't answer immediately. Then, [I'm sorry.] "What for?" [Do you sleep better these days?] "Yeah, I do when you're in bed with me. I can sleep then. But you're not in my bed tonight, so I'll probably lie awake for most of the night. Don't worry about it, I'm used to it." [Can I do anything to help?] I bark out a laugh. "Not unless I can magically appear in your bed." [Sorry, but there don't seem to be any teletransporters available at the moment.] I grin. "Beam me up, Scully." [Ouch, that was awful, Mulder. Don't ever do that again!] I snicker. Then I grow serious again. "I already miss you." [I miss you, too. I love you, you know.] I smile. "Yeah, I know. I worship the ground you walk on, too." I hear her gentle chuckle. [Thank you. Well, I think I'm going to check out the hotel restaurant, see what's on the menu for tonight. I'm getting a little hungry.] "No room service?" [Why should I? Last time I checked, there was nobody in bed with me to feed me chocolate-covered strawberries,] she says, her voice dropping to decidedly sultry. Shit, I'm getting hard again just sitting here talking to her on the phone. She hasn't said anything overtly sexual and it's already turned me on. This is going to be a long week ... [Mulder?] "Yeah, I'm here," I say, my voice a little rough around the edges. Damn it, I shouldn't put myself through this kind of torture! [Did I turn you on?] I can hear a grin in her voice. "Yes, you did." [Want me to ... help?] Yes, yes, oh God, yes! "Nah, forget it, I'm fine. Go eat, I should get something to eat as well." [Okay,] she says, [good night, Mulder.] I smile. "Good night, Scully. Have fun tomorrow." I hear her chuckle. [Fun? I'm going to be cutting up dead people.] I grin. "I know. Like I said, have fun." She laughs. [Thank you. I love you.] "Love you, too," I say, and I hear her disconnect. Day one ... This is going to be a long week indeed ... XxXxX Day 2, 6:08 pm "Mulder." [Hi, it's me. Is this convenient?] "It always is when it's you." She chuckles. [Sweet-talking won't get you anywhere, Romeo.] I smile. "I'm not joking. Or sweet-talking. I wouldn't dare." She huffs and I grin. "How was your day?" [Great. Yeah, it was really good. This morning we had a guest speaker from California, from ... I seem to have forgotten what university he lectures at ... anyway, he's recently written a great article about the use of laser technology in the field of pathology and it seems really promising.] "If you're not going to be too technical about it, how so?" [Not too technical, huh?] I grin. "Please have mercy." [Ha ha. Well, basically the laser allows for a much more precise dissection which leaves the corpse in a more presentable condition. I know I usually get to work on bodies that are beyond presentable anyway, but two of the guys on my team work for a hospital morgue where they do post-mortems and this technology would appear ideal for them as they give the bodies back to the families after the procedures.] "Two of the guys, huh? How many guys are on your team?" She's silent for a bit. [You're not jealous, are you?] I bite my tongue. Shit, yes I am, Scully, and I can't help it. "No, not at all. Just asking." Again she's silent for a few moments before she speaks. [Mulder, answer me honestly.] Oh-oh ... "What?" [Have I ever given you reason to doubt my fidelity? Because I can't seem to remember.] I feel two inches small now. I sigh. "No, you haven't. In fact, I should look at myself instead of you ..." I can almost see her nod. [I don't like this ...] "What?" I whisper. [Don't you ... Shit, I don't even want to ask you this!] She sighs. [But ... don't you trust me?] Jesus Christ, talk about a dagger straight into my heart! "Scully, you're the only one I trust. You know you are!" [Then you need to show me.] She takes a deep breath. [Put your trust in me, Mulder. I'm worthy of it.] I feel tears of embarrassment sting behind my eyeballs. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. It's just that ... sometimes I find it so hard to believe I'm lucky enough to be your man. I never thought I'd ever find love like yours, and it's ..." I sigh. "It's just so damn hard to believe that another man couldn't ..." [What?] "Shit, Scully, what do I have that you wouldn't be able to get from some other guy?" She doesn't speak and my insecurities take over completely. "See? You can't even te- ..." [Everything.] "What?" [Everything you are, everything you are willing to give, is what I can't get elsewhere. I love you, I adore you, I'd die without you and you know I'd die for you.] I'm choking up. "Scully, don't ... I ..." [You are the love of my life, Fox, and I miss you already. I miss you terribly. I wish you were here ...] That does it, I'm going to get online to the airport website and book myself on the first flight available. "I'm coming over." [Mulder, I was just ...] "You don't want me to come over?" I hear her sigh. [I do, but it's useless. I hardly have time to spend with you.] "I'll wait. I don't mind." I can hear the smile in her voice. [I know. No, I'll be fine and so will you. And it'll only make it better when I get back.] She snickers. [Take the two days after I return off for both of us, because I have a feeling we might need them. And stock your fridge.] I grin, knowing exactly what she means. "All right, gorgeous, I will." She takes a deep breath. [Are we okay?] I nod although she can't see it of course. "Yeah, I think we are. I'm sorry." [Don't be. I've always hated it when the men I was dating got jealous, but I guess it's only human.] "No, this was uncalled-for and I'm truly sorry," I say. "Scully?" [Yeah?] "What do you have in mind for when you get back?" She laughs. [Nothing that doesn't involve you, me, a bed, and the naked pretzel.] I laugh too. "Glad I asked, I guess." [You okay?] "Yeah, just ... a bit down. My self-flagellation of a few moments ago put a damper on any excitement I might have felt. I'll get over it." [Oh, Mulder ...] "Don't feel sorry, it was not your fault." We are silent for a few moments. "I'm going to get some food. Shall I call you tomorrow or will you call me?" [Mmm, I think I'd better call. We have workshops and classes tomorrow and I'll probably be asked to turn my cell phone off.] "Okay." I chuckle. "Don't hit on any guys." She chuckles, too, realising that I'm teasing now. [I won't. At least not on any that still have air in their lungs.] "Ah, shit, Scully, that's disgusting!" [Do with that image what you like, handsome. I'm going to get some dinner. I love you.] I grin. "I love you, too. Good night." [Good night.] I hear the click of her phone being disconnected. Day 2. Now what? XxXxX Day 3, 7:24 pm "Hey, Scully." [You knew it was me?] "Yeah, a little thing called caller ID. You should try it someday," I grin. She chuckles. [Ha ha, very funny.] "How was your day?" [Not bad. A bit long. Mulder, how did we ever make it through those long classes in college and at Quantico? I felt like my brain was going to atrophy about half-way through!] "Well, in my case it was where I developed the fine art of drinking gallons of coffee. You should try a semester at Oxford. I swear they have shares in every major brand of caffeinated beverage invented by man." She laughs. [Yeah, well, I wish we'd had some practical stuff as well. I mean, not that it wasn't interesting, it's just ... man, five hours straight! And that was before we even had lunch!] "Ouch, I feel your pain!" [Did you go and see the Gunmen by the way?] "Yeah, day before yesterday. But I didn't stay. They were involved in some Dungeons and Dragons thing, and even I can't stand seeing grown men call each other by their elven names." [Any news from Skinner?] "Actually, there is a case I might be asked to assist on. You know, a little freelancing for the BSU." [Oh ... be careful.] "What do you mean? I'll most likely be stuck behind a desk. And unless my stapler decides to go haywire, I don't think I'll be in much danger." She laughs once. [Actually, I'm not talking about physical danger. But you know you never come out of these profiling cases unscathed. They hurt you inside. And that frightens me.] I'm touched. "Well, I'm not asked to do it often these days." [I know. They only ask you for the hardest cases. And those are the ones that seem to get under your skin so badly.] She sighs. [I'm scared that one of these times you'll find yourself lost in the mind of that perp, and you won't be able to find your way back.] "Oh, Scully." I rub my hand over my face. Man, how do we find ourselves in these serious conversations all the time? [I'm not going to be able to talk you out of assisting, am I?] "I want to do it. I want to see whether I still have it." [Proving what to whom? You know you still have it, you're showing it on every case.] "I don't get it. How?" [By the way you find the answers. Okay, the profiling may not be about finding out how the criminal's mind was wired, but we have an 85% solve-rate because you can understand what went on. It's very impressive. A little daunting at times actually.] "Daunting to you?" [Yeah. Mulder, you're so smart, sometimes it frightens me. The way your mind works, it twists my brain in a loop. I feel like I can't keep up, you know, no matter how hard I try.] I swear my mouth is hanging open in amazement. "Are you feeling insecure? Because, Jesus Christ, Dana, you are the smart and sensible one in our relationship! Okay, I know I'm no dunce, but ... when I make these insane leaps of imagination, I have you to thank for tying them all together in a coherent fashion that actually makes sense!" I sit down on my couch. "I would never have accepted you as my partner if you weren't at least as smart as I am. I'm sure it's not a nice thing to say, but I can't work with people who aren't smart. As partners of equal status, I mean. I can't live with that kind of people, they get on my nerves big time. We've been together for so many years because I met my match in you. You challenge me, professionally and personally. I've become a better Agent because of you. And I've become one heck of a better man because you just wouldn't give up on me." I hear her sniffle on the other side and I frown. Great, now I've made her cry. [Oh, Mulder, don't hold me in such high regard. I'll only fall deeper ...] I smile a little. "Sorry sweetheart, it's beyond my control." I hear a short sigh. [I know.] "How is it that our conversations always seem to take a left turn somewhere?" [Because we're funny that way], she replies, making my smile widen. "Yeah ..." [I don't really mind though.] "I know. Nor me." I turn on the couch so I can lie down. Time for some levity. "Scully?" [Yeah?] "What are you wearing?" She chuckles. [A suit, sans the jacket. It's just too damn hot. I was planning on taking a shower after this call. Were you hoping for something a little more ... revealing?] I grin. "Nah, I can't see you anyway. What are you wearing to bed tonight?" Another short chuckle. [Nothing.] I feel my eyes widen. "Nothing?" [Fort Lauderdale is no joke in June, you know, even with air conditioning.] "But you're in a hotel!" [Yeah. Well, maybe I just want easy access.] I feel a strangled sound force its way up from deep within my throat. Holy shit, did she just imply she's going to masturbate? Then I kick myself even as I feel my body surge. What is your problem anyway, you idiot? She's an adult woman! A sexually active adult woman. If she wants to masturbate then that's entirely up to her. Don't get all prissy and uptight about it! [That was a very interesting sound. Care to explain what it meant exactly?] "Are you serious?" [Yeah. You know, I'm not the ice queen some people make me out to be. I love sex, and since you're not around to help me with that, I might just have to resort to some DIY.] Whoa on the defensive mode! "Of course. Scully, you know you're not an ice queen. Jesus, I know exactly how steaming hot you are." I let out a groan. "Oh God, I wish I were there with you. So fucking bad." [Did I make you a little hot under the collar?] she asks, and I can hear her smile. "You have no idea," I reply, my voice a little rough around the edge. "You turn me on just by being there, you know. I get aroused from talking to you on the phone, so just imagine how you affect me when I'm actually seeing you. Shit, Dana, you're so damn sexy, just being near you shaves 50 points clean off my IQ every time you look at me!" [Well, thank you, but I'm afraid you'll find yourself a little biased.] "Heck, yes, I'm biased! But you're hot, surely you know that!" She sighs. [You're good for my self-esteem, even if you're stretching the truth a little.] "I'm not. Stretching the truth, I mean. God, Dana, do you know how many men would give their left nut to be in my shoes?" [Not as many as you might think, actually. But thank you anyway. I feel a lot better now. You're pretty damn hot yourself, you know.] "I've been told as much, although I prefer to take that kind of comment with a good-sized pinch of salt if you don't mind. Anyway, now that we've established we're both basically too sexy for each other: what are your plans for tonight?" She laughs. [There's a movie theatre down the street, I thought I might go and see a movie. I don't feel like staying in my room and I don't know any good places to go out to around here, so, yeah, a movie sounds good to me.] "No hot local pathologist-guy to show you the sights of night-time Fort Lauderdale?" [There is one pathologist from around here, but he's in his early 60s, bald, obese, and married with three kids. I may be lonely, but I'm not that desperate.] I grin. "Which movie are you going to see?" [Don't know yet. I'll see what takes my fancy when I get there. How about you?] "I think I'll go over the info for the case again. BSU sent down the details of the murder case. It's a toughie, can't accuse them of giving me a free ride." [Well, be careful, okay? Where is the case located by the way?] "All over the south-eastern states, roughly Virginia, North and South Carolina, down to Florida." [Florida, eh?] I smile. "Yeah, no mention of Fort Lauderdale though, so I guess you're quite safe." She chuckles. [Well, if any corpse is found here, they'll have the pick of the US pathologists to find the answers.] "As long as you're not the said corpse, I don't care much." [You're heartless.] "Perhaps. Or maybe I've just found the peace of mind to see things in proper perspective." She just laughs. "So, what's on the program for you for tomorrow?" [A practical in the morning by a woman who specialises in child post-mortems. Teaches at the Royal College of Pathologists in England. We're having the afternoon off. I think I'll go shopping, I met a woman on another team who lives here, so maybe she'll be willing to show me the best shopping areas. At night we're going on a city-by-night tour on an open-top double-decker bus.] "You think you'll be okay with the practical?" She sighs. [Children are always tough, not just for me. That's why I applaud the organisation for being brave enough to put it on the program. I think it's human nature to want to deny that children die as young as they do, but it still happens, and we need to be prepared for it. Maybe that's why they put it on the morning before our afternoon off, so we can relax afterwards.] "You're so strong, I don't know how you deal with it." [Well, I don't. Not well anyway. But it's a fact of life, and a part of the job we do. We might as well be ready and capable when it happens. I'm not necessarily looking forward to it, though. Although I must admit I'm kind of excited to meet this woman who's going to teach. I read articles written by her and I'm quite excited to meet her in person.] I smile. "Well, I'll let you pick out a movie then. Are you going to see some chick-flick?" She chuckles. [Nah, I save those for watching with you.] "Ow! Well, enjoy your day tomorrow and I'll talk to you again tomorrow night, okay?" [Thank you. Promise you'll take care of yourself?] "I will, thank you." [I love you. Good night.] "Scully?" [Yes?] "I just ... I just want you to know I'm not as self- destructive as I used to be. I mean, I have ... gotten better, more in control." [I know. But that doesn't stop me from worrying.] I sigh. "I know ... Thank you for loving me." She chuckles. [You make it sound like a chore! I don't exactly mind being in love with you. It's quite ... a pleasure ...] "Shit, Dana, I wish you were home already!" [I'll be home in a couple of days. And you'd better be ready for me.] Well, there go my plans to go over the case again. "Oh, I will. Trust me, I will!" [Good. Well, good night and I'll talk to you again tomorrow.] "Good night. I love you." [Love you, too.] The end of day 3. I made it to the half-way point. Well, whaddya know, huh? XxXxX Day 4, 1:35 pm "Mulder." [Hey, it's me. Where are you?] "What do you mean?" [I tried to call you, but you were unreachable. Then I tried the office and then your apartment, and got the machines in both cases. Was your cell phone switched off this morning?] "Erm ... Oh, yes, for the flight, yes." [The flight? Where are you?] I smile a little sheepishly, even though she can't see me. "Actually, I'm in a hotel in downtown Miami." [Miami! Mulder, what are you doing in Miami?] "Assisting on that BSU case, remember. The latest body was found in the South Beach area and I figured I'd better get down there to see the crime scene myself. It's a good one, this unsub has every cop on the south-east coast baffled." [But not you.] I grin. "Scully, I'm clueless, I don't mind admitting it. It's only because they found fingerprints -- which are not on any database, mind you, because that would just be too easy -- that we know definitively we are in fact dealing with a single killer. But his methods are so random, so unlike any killer I've come across, that I would've suggested we were dealing with a gang instead if we didn't know better. So, yeah, when I said this was a tough nut to crack, I wasn't kidding." [You don't have any ideas?] "No useful ones anyway. How was your morning?" I hear her sigh. [Tough. We didn't have a real body to work on, thankfully, but the images of these young children are always shocking.] Another sigh. [I kept my cool by going into strictly business mode, but then the lady giving the lecture showed a picture of a little girl who looked just like Emily. Well, needless to say my business-like demeanour took a nose-dive ...] "Oh, shit, Scully, I'm so sorry!" [Yeah, well, that's life, you know. I knew it wasn't Emily, so I excused myself, took a few moments in the ladies room, straightened myself up and went back inside. Although I must admit I was quite relieved to see she'd moved on to another slide by then.] "Did you get to talk to her? I think you said you were hoping you'd get that opportunity." [Actually, I did. She came up to me after the lecture, I think she'd noticed my reaction to the picture. Not quite the professional introduction I'd hoped to make, but yeah ...] "You want to talk about it?" She's silent for a few moments. [Not really. I'll tell you when I get home, okay?] I smile. "No problem. So you're going shopping then, are you?" [Probably. I have all afternoon off.] "Have fun then. I'm going to go over the files again, I must've missed something that I should've picked up on to nail this son of a bitch." [Maybe you're not looking in the right direction.] I smile. "I have no doubt. Do you have a suggestion? Because I'd be entirely grateful." [You want me to come to Miami instead? I don't really need to go shopping and I can easily miss that night-tour.] "Don't be ridiculous, you need your time off. Heck, you deserve some time off away from me." [I don't mind being on a case with you.] "I know. And I definitely don't mind having you with me on a case. Especially on something like this. But I won't let you skip your free time to bail me out." I chuckle. "I'm a big boy, Dana, I'll be fine." She chuckles, too. [So the killer is quite unlike any others you've encountered, is he?] "Well, I don't know about the killer himself, but his mode of operation definitely is. He's not like any killer I've seen before. I mean, we both know that murderers are by definition unoriginal. They like to stick with the tried and tested method and we rely on them getting sloppy to catch them. But this guy seems to try a new method each time. As if he can't make up his mind as to what will work best. That's why I thought it might have been a gang. If it hadn't been for the identical fingerprints found at the crime scenes, that is." [That's a tough one, yes.] I faintly hear a knock on her door. [Oh, that'll probably be Susan.] "The lady you're going shopping with?" [Yeah. Wait a sec, I'll just let her in, okay?] I hear the door to her hotel room open and she greets the woman. Then she picks up the phone again. [Just out of curiosity, what sex and age are the victims?] I quickly leaf through the case file. "They are all adult males. Thirteen men so far, eleven of them Caucasian, two Latin-American. Why?" [Well, if the murders are so atypical, maybe your killer isn't an ordinary killer either.] "Yes?" [Might be a woman for all we know. That could explain why the finger prints are unknown, women are less well-represented in the records. But I'm probably wrong. Anyway, I've got to go.] I'm struck silent by her casual suggestion. [What? No 'good-bye, Scully, I love you' this time?] I clear my throat. "Dana, you are ... Jesus, I think you might just have solved this case!" She laughs. [Well, that's nice of you to say, but I wouldn't take it too seriously. I mean, I haven't seen any file or been given much information. Plus, I suck at profiling. Anyway, do with it what you like. I'll speak to you later, okay? I love you.] "Yeah, I love you, too, Dana. Have fun! Be careful, okay?" [I will.] She disconnects and I toss my cell phone onto the bed. Then I grab the case file and go over the data once more. A woman ... Shi-it ... Day 4, 6:33 pm [Scully.] "Hey, it's me. Is this a good time?" [Can I call you back in about thirty minutes? Susan and I are at a restaurant.] "Yeah, no problem." [Okay. Bye.] *** Day 4, 7:15 pm "Hey Scully, how was your meal?" [Not bad at all. We had Mexican food. It was really good, actually.] "Where are you now?" [In my hotel room; Susan went home, her husband had to go to work and her children were home alone, she dropped me off at the hotel on her way home. We were actually having dessert when you called so I knew we'd be finished soon after anyway. I went back to my room to get changed for the open-top tour in about an hour.] "Oh, do you have time to talk? Where do you meet the bus?" [It's all right. The bus leaves from this hotel, so I still have an hour. And if I have time to kill, I prefer doing it with you, handsome.] "I feel thoroughly flattered now." [And so you should. Anyway, how's the case coming along?] "I wish I could tell you we have the suspect in custody, but in reality we're nowhere closer than we were last night. Except for your suggestion that this he may actually be a she." [Do you really think there is something in that? It was just an idea that popped into my head, based on nothing definitive.] "Those ideas tend to be the most valuable. But we haven't got evidence really. Plus, of course, the psychopathological profiles of female serial killers are sketchy at best so I can't really draw on any previous cases to help me along. I guess society just doesn't want to believe women are capable of homicide." [Well, women are, although I'm not implying that this killer must be a woman. Have you checked the backgrounds of the victims?] "Scully, do you really want to talk about this? It's your night off, you should be relaxing." She chuckles. [It's incredibly sad, but this is relaxing to me, in a way. I like it when we just bounce ideas off each other. Feels good. Anyway, backgrounds?] I smile, feeling a soft warm glow in my body. Damn, I love this woman! "The police departments of the towns and districts where the victims were found gave us background info on each of them. You know, family, friends, schools if any, work if any, stuff like that." [Any links?] "There seem to be a few family connections between some of the victims. Actually, when you suggested the possibility of a female killer, I looked into the idea that the victims might be related, as a strong characteristic of female serial killers is the fact that the victims are often related. And there are some family links, but only between five of the victims, and these families themselves don't seem interrelated either." [Well, it's probably not a woman anyway.] I smile. "I'm not giving up on that suggestion just yet actually, although I am open to other possible solutions of course." [Do you think the victims could be connected through links of friendship?] "Mmm, don't know, and that might be a very tough thing to find out. But, hey, it's an idea." Then I chuckle as something hits me. "Scully, just out of sheer curiosity: do you actually want this person to be female?" [Why would you think that?] I shrug. "Well, on the one hand you try to dismiss the idea of a female killer at every turn, but on the other hand you are giving me all the clues to point towards just such a person. And I don't mind, you know, because it's not as though I have anything better to offer, but it just struck me as interesting." I hear her chuckle. [I know what you mean. It is a little weird, I see that now.] "Well, don't worry about it. You've given me more leads over the phone than I've gotten from any of the officers involved who actually read the files." [Well, what can I say? This profiling thing must be rubbing off on me.] I smile. "As long as it doesn't come with all the baggage I have, I'm fine with that." [Do you think you could perhaps send me some details by email? I'm curious now.] "Do you have time for that?" [No, but I don't care very much.] She chuckles. [God, I feel like I'm back in high school, passing notes and drawing pictures in class.] "You did that in high school?" [Well, yeah, I was the queen of passing notes to others. I think it was because I was basically bored stiff. I mean, I was in advanced classes, but even then some subjects were just too dull. And this made it a little more fun.] "You have dull classes tomorrow?" [Let me see ...] I hear some papers rustling. [Actually, it's not bad. We have a seminar about the psychology of pathology -- although I don't know if that means the psychology behind doing autopsies, or how pathologists can cope with the work load. Either way, that will probably be pretty interesting. In the afternoon we have some electives, but I haven't decided what I'm going to choose. Mmm, I see toxicology among the options, that looks like a useful option, might try to get into that one if it's not already full.] "Sounds like another full day, Scully, do you still want me to send you stuff?" [Yeah, I'd like to take a peek. Let's just say I'm curious to see what tough bullet you have to bite.] I grin. "All right. I'll email it to you tonight, okay? God knows I need all the help I can get." [I'll let you have the credit,] she says and I hear her smile. I shake my head. "Oh no, if your idea is the conclusive one, you're getting every last bit of credit." [Well, thanks, but we'll see if I didn't actually send you on a wild goose chase and the real killer -- who is probably a guy after all -- is now chuckling insanely and targeting his next victim while we stalk the innocent women around him. Anyway, I need to go downstairs to meet the bus, so I'll stop now.] "Thank you. Have a great tour and enjoy yourself." [I will, thanks. I love you.] "I love you, too, sweetheart. Good night." [Bye.] I disconnect and put my phone down on the small vanity table. Then I cross to the bed which is littered with papers, crime scene photos and other case paraphernalia. Friends, eh? Well, there's a thought ... XxXxX Day 5, 4:32 pm "Mulder." I say absently into the phone. I'm reading the file again and didn't check who it was, but I'll see. Probably Sheriff Coleman. [Hey, Mulder, it's me.] I perk up. "Oh, hi, Scully, how are you doing?" She laughs once. [I can't remember you asking me that ever. But I'm fine, I had a very good day. I'm a little tired now, though, so I thought I give you a call. Is it convenient?] "It always is with you." [Yuck, that was soppy.] I laugh. "How was your day?" [Not bad at all. The psychology seminar this morning was vague to say the least. It was interesting, but I didn't really understand where it concerned us as practicing pathologists. It seemed to have to do with counselling staff rather than with us, you know, those people who deal with the families of the bereaved. I mean, it was a good insight into what goes on while we do the post-mortems, and it did drive home once more how we need to be careful conserving the dignity of the corpse, but, yeah, a bit vague ... Anyway, I did manage to attend the toxicology elective in the afternoon, and I've learnt a lot. I took pages and pages of notes and the lecturer is going to email me the PowerPoint presentation for reference. He also agreed I can contact him when necessary. I really think I should look into that more deeply, it was fascinating.] "That's fantastic. You think you might go back to university?" [Mmm, don't know about that yet. You know, that idea did occur to me this afternoon, and it does appeal to me, but I don't know how I could ever combine that with what we do. And I definitely don't want to quit my job.] I bite my lip as I think. "Maybe - ..." [What?] I sigh. "Scully, we're not getting any younger. Maybe it's time to cut back on the field cases and ... take it a bit more slowly. I am enjoying this profiling, especially because I'm not the person with the final responsibility. I just submit ideas and let others do the footwork. It's physically relaxing, but mentally challenging, and I kind of like it. Guess I've grown past the stage in my life where running around with a badge and a gun was the ultimate thrill. Would stand to reason you'd be feeling a little similar, too." She laughs. [Yeah, you're probably right. And if I do take up that study, I could specialise. I mean, doing autopsies on aliens is pretty special, but it doesn't exactly garner a lot of kudos in the professional field.] "Then maybe we should talk about this with Skinner." She sighs. [Well, I don't think we should rush into things. If anything there are still the X-Files to consider. Let's talk about this when we're both home again. It will be quite a decision to make and we need to weigh the pros and cons carefully. We can't do this half-heartedly.] "Yeah, you're right. So, what time will you be home tomorrow?" [My flight departs at just before two pm, so I should be home late afternoon, early evening. Will you be staying in Miami for a few more days?] "Don't know yet. I'll need to talk about whether I'm still needed with the Sheriff, although I don't see how I couldn't do what I do now from home." [Did you make any progress?] "Well, I did find that some of the people who weren't related were indeed acquaintances, but even then some seem to have no connections to each other at all. However, I asked for a few officers to be sent out to do some more interviewing, but asking questions about the friends and acquaintances of the victims. If one or a few names match all or at least almost all thirteen men, I'd say we have something to go on." [That sounds promising.] "Yeah, well, so far it's still guess-work. I'll keep you updated, but I can't promise I'll be flying home tomorrow. Although you can bet your life I'll try to!" [Good. I miss you and I miss your body.] A wide grin appears. "Well, that's good, because so do I. So, what are your plans for tonight?" [Nothing much. I want to read the notes I took throughout the conference, and maybe I'll go for a work-out and a swim. I found out that this hotel has a nice pool. Today was quite a strenuous day mentally and I'm rather tired so I think I'll just relax in my sauna, do a little work-out, and go to bed early. How about you?] "Don't know yet. My hotel isn't nearly as swanky as yours, so no indoor pool or fitness area, but I might go to the beach for a bit and kick up some sand. Doesn't it feel good to feel the sun on your skin? I miss the direct heat of the sun in DC." [Well, I don't know, because I never tan, I just burn, so I try to avoid direct sunlight. Curse of the Irish, I guess, no need to be protected from the sun when you live in a country of perpetual rainfall.] I laugh. "Well, my ancestors were mostly Jews from Germany, Russia, and Holland -- not exactly countries known for their abundance of sunshine, and I still tan easily." [You know ... I don't actually know much about that side of you. I mean, I'm basically 99% Irish Catholic, I think there was an English relative somewhere down my family tree, probably much to the horror of said family, but I never really thought about your family. Beyond your parents, that is.] I smile a little wryly. "Well, the Reader's Digest condensed version of the story is that I'm a little bit of many things. No pedigree to speak of. My mother's family never seemed to care about your background as long as you brought great wads of cash with you. Dad's family wasn't as rich, but of course he was enough of a selfish bastard to take care of that himself. The fact that mom's relatives always approved of him should say enough about their standards and sensibilities. Or the total lack thereof ..." She takes a deep breath, letting it out on a sigh. [It's at moments like these that I realise I was a very lucky child when I grew up ...] "You were, Scully, you have no idea. Money can't buy you love, as they say, and I would've given my trust fund twenty times over just to feel loved." [I'm sorry ...] I smile a little wryly. "Don't be. I don't really think about it anymore." [Did you say you had a trust fund?] "Still have it, as a matter of fact, I just don't think about it." [Mulder, I know you have money, but are you ... rich? I mean, I don't want to sound shallow and I definitely don't want to come across as a gold-digger, because you know that's not why I- ...] "I'm rich," I interrupt her. "Let's just say that I don't actually work for the money. And I know you're not a gold-digger. But yeah, you could say I'm rich ..." I rub my forehead with my hand. Damn, talking about my past always gives me a headache. "Scully, I don't like talking about it that much, and definitely not over the phone." [We should probably talk about it someday though.] I nod. "Yeah, you're probably right. We'll get into that when we're back home, okay?" [We'll have a lot of things to talk about when we're together again. Maybe we should do these separate activities more often, we sure appear to be able to work out a few kinks in our relationship over the phone when that's all the contact opportunities we have.] I smile. "That's right, but that doesn't mean I don't still really miss you." I hear a soft sigh. [Yeah, I miss you, too] Then I hear her yawn. [Oops, sorry about that.] "You sure you want to exercise tonight? Wouldn't you rather just go to bed?" [Well, yes, but I need to stay in shape and that doesn't happen quite as effortlessly as it used to when I was younger. No, a few laps in the pool and 30 minutes in the fitness room, and I'll sleep all the better for it.] "Well, I'll let you off the hook then. Go swim, Dana." [Have fun at the beach. Don't pick up any beach babes!] "You're the only babe I'm interested in, you know that." [I'm a babe?] I take a deep breath. You have no idea, I think. "In the best sense of the word, yes, you are. You're a head-turner, men are instantly attracted to you and you don't even need to show skin for it. That's impressive and very very sexy." [You think I'm sexy?] "I know you're sexy," I say. She chuckles a bit. [Thank you. You're pretty damn sexy, too. I can't wait to make love to you again, I really miss that.] "Yeah, me too, you have no idea how much." [Well, I can guess.] I hear the grin in her voice and I smile, too. For a second I'm tempted to try and see just how far she'll be willing to take this, but then I remember that she really is quite tired, and I decide not to push it. "I'm sure you can. Good night, gorgeous, I'll try to come home tomorrow, but I'll call you no matter what's going to be decided, okay?" [No problem. Soak up some sunset rays for me.] I smile widely. "I will. I love you." [I love you, too. I hope you'll sleep.] "You know, maybe I will tonight." [If it's any help, I just want you to know you're in my prayers. You always are.] "You pray for me?" [Well, actually I always have, ever since we first met. I think you're worth it.] I'm feeling incredibly touched. "Thank you," I say, my voice soft with the emotions. [Good night, sweetheart.] "Good night, Dana." She disconnects. She prays for me. Wow, how's that for warm fuzzies ... XxXxX Day 6, 1:06 pm [Scully] "Hey, it's me. Are you at the airport?" [Yes, I just checked in, I'm on my way to the gate. The flight is on time at this point, so I may be in luck. What are your plans? Are you flying home today?] "Don't know for sure yet. I mean, on the one hand we still haven't caught the killer, but on the other hand I'm not personally needed. But even if I get to leave, it's unlikely I'll be on any flight today." [Shit.] I laugh. "Shit indeed. How was your evening last night?" [Short. I wanted to go for a swim, but the pool was closed for cleaning, so I made my way to the fitness room. Did a short workout on the apparatus, but my heart wasn't really in it, so I quit soon afterwards. Went back to my room, took a shower, ordered some wine through room service, managed to stay awake long enough to get that wine, and then promptly fell asleep. That was pretty sad, yeah ...] I smile. "Did you take the wine home with you?" [Yes, it's in my luggage, since I couldn't bring it in my carry-on. It's a really good wine, so I didn't want to waste it by leaving it behind. But if the bottle breaks, I'll be in so much trouble. So, how was your night? Any beach bunnies I don't want to know you met?] "Nah, the only beach bunny I was looking for turned out to be conked out over some expensive wine up in Fort Lauderdale." She chuckles. [You're gooood ...] I chuckle too. "Actually, it was good to be out on the beach, just strolling through the surf, smelling that warm tropical air, hearing the sea gulls. I could definitely get used to it." She's silent for a bit. [Then why don't you move down there? What's keeping you?] I'm surprised she even asks. "Well, you, actually. And my job, but actually that's not hugely important. But you are in DC, that's why I'm not moving." [Oh ...] I wonder what she means by that. [Ah, there's the boarding call for my flight, so I'll need to hang up.] "We have some serious talking to do, I think." [Yes, we do. And we will, don't worry about it. I know I'm not always very forthcoming with my emotions or very willing to discuss them, but this is important, you're right. Will you call me about your plans? I'll send you a text message when I'm in DC so you know when you can call me again.] "Okay. Yes, I'll talk to the Sheriff, see what his ideas are. It's been a long six days, hasn't it?" [Yeah, it definitely has been. I really gotta go now, I love you!] I smile. "I love you, too. Have a safe flight." [Thanks. Bye.] Day 6, 8:49 pm [Scully.] "Hey, it's me. How was your flight?" [Uneventful, which is always good.] I chuckle. "How did the wine fare?" [It did all right. It's chilling in the fridge right now, we could sample it together if you could just get your sexy ass over here.] "I will, I booked myself on a flight leaving early tomorrow afternoon." [Oh good, so the Sheriff's letting you off the hook?] "Well, he's bound to, seeing that we caught the killer." [You did? That's fantastic! Tell me about it!] "Well, it is a pity you were already in DC, because you were quite the talk of the police department." [You mean it really was a woman?] "Yup, one Tracy Ann Keller. Age 49, white, divorced, no kids, sales assistant at the local Wall- Mart, at least she was before she did a vanishing act." [How did you find her?] "She was that missing link that connected all thirteen men. Some were distantly related to her, but most were casual acquaintances, fostered from her little side-job as an waitress at a local rundown diner. She wasn't much use as a waitress, but she had some rapport with the patrons so the owner of the diner kept her on anyway. We haven't quite figured out her motive, although revenge or monetary gain is always a possibility. But she was the only real candidate, and she made a confession. Seemed almost relieved when we apprehended her actually." [Maybe she was. She'd been on the run for quite a while. I'd be thinking along the lines of revenge brought on by disappointment. You might want to check out her childhood, I have a feeling it will not have been the happiest ...] I smile. "You're amazing, you know that?" I hear her laugh. [I guess I do, but it does feel good hearing you say it. Not that I want to sound shallow or anything.] I let out a silent sigh. "I don't compliment you nearly enough, do I?" [Well, I don't know about that. I mean, I do my job, and I know I do it well, and you show me your appreciation in many ways. Verbalising it isn't necessary for me to feel I'm doing okay.] "Well, maybe so, but that doesn't mean I should just neglect telling you how much I have come to depend on you." [Thank you. That means a lot to me, you know.] "I know. That's why I should do it more often. Anyway, I have some finishing up to do around here, assist in some report-writing, and I'll be home in the early evening I guess." [I'll be waiting, wine at the ready.] I laugh. "Well, I first have to figure out a way to give you full credit in a case you were never officially involved in. That'll keep me occupied for a few hours I think." [Mulder, you don't need to mention me. I had no evidence for my suggestions, and I could just as easily have been terribly wrong.] "But you weren't wrong, Dana, you were the only one who saw the answer. Nope, I'm determined to get your name in there with all the proper recognition. Don't try to make me decide otherwise, because I won't." [All right then. Anyway, please forward me a copy of the report, I can't wait to read it.] "I will." [What time will you be in DC?] I pick up the e-ticket. "Erm, let me see. I leave at 1.25 pm, so let's say that, barring any delays, I should be in DC just before 4 pm, I think. Are you coming to pick me up?" [I'll pick you up anytime, anywhere, gorgeous.] I chuckle. "Thanks, beautiful." Then I take a deep breath. "Well, I'd better get on with that report if I even want to have a reason to leave here. Skinner will want it on his desk first thing tomorrow morning as well, so I want this thing finished by tonight. Then I can e-mail it to Kim and she can print it and give it to Skinner." [It'll be quite a feather in your cap, you know, you should be proud of this.] "I am, especially because I'm your partner. Because let's not forget that I only solved this because of you." [Mulder, you don't have to -- ...] "I know and I'm not taking no for an answer on this, Scully. I feel bad enough that you had to miss the conclusion over here. I'm not letting you miss this opportunity for triumph when I get back. You will be celebrated." She laughs softly. I know she is secretly very pleased, but she'll never admit it. She's just not made that way. Sometimes it baffles me, but it's also very sweet. [Thank you, I ...] See? "Yes?" Her voice is almost shy. [I really appreciate this ... You really are the kindest man I know.] I feel a lump in my throat the size of an average South-American country. I have to swallow hard before I can reply. "God, I can't wait to get home. I miss you so much!" [Yeah, me too.] I hear her sniffle, then sigh. [Oh, go write that report before I completely lose it over the phone!] I chuckle and shake my head. "All right, I will. Scully?" [Yes?] "Your brother may think I'm a son of a bitch, but I'm the luckiest son of a bitch around, you know." [Yeah, because you're MY son of a bitch, and he'd better not forget about it.] Those words, as unflattering as they may sound to others, really make me feel warm on the inside. And I just want to hear more. I want more anyway. More of this woman, just ... more ... "Scully?" [Mmm?] "Marry me?" Fuck, where did that come from? She chuckles. [You know, there were times when that question would have scared me a lot more than it does now.] Whoa! "So you're not saying no?" [I'm not saying no.] "Are you saying yes then?" [I just might. Ask me again properly when you're home.] "Will I have my heart broken if I do?" [I don't think I could ever do that ...] "You won't answer me now?" She sighs. [Mulder, do you really ... I ... We need to talk about this. I mean, I'm not leaving you no matter what and you know I'm in love with you and ...] I decide to let her off the hook. I can't expect her to be the woman I know and love and yet expect her to answer me now. She doesn't work that way. "Scully, you are quite forgiven. I love you and I was cruel to corner you with that question. We'll talk tomorrow, okay?" [You're not mad?] she asks, her voice soft and insecure. "Certifiable according to many," I reply, not missing a beat. She laughs, making me smile. "But I'm not angry with you," I go on. I sigh. "Guess I'd better go and finish that report so it gets to Skinner in time. What are your plans for tonight?" [Probably a long lazy soak in my bath. I really feel like doing absolutely nothing for a few hours.] "That sounds so good I'm jealous." [Well, next time you can join me.] "Sounds like one heck of a plan. Go soak, Dana." [Good luck with your report. I'll keep my cell phone next to the tub if you need any words of encouragement.] I smile. "Thank you. I might just have to take you up on that offer ..." [Well, don't be afraid to do so. I love you.] "I love you, too. Bye." [Mulder?] "Yes?" She hesitates for just a second. [I won't forget your question, as impromptu as it may have been ...] I smile. "I know. Neither will I. Don't let it worry you. I'm a civilised man, you know, contrary to popular belief." She chuckles. [I know. I love you so much.] I smile widely, shaking my head in disbelief. "I know. Me too. I'll see you tomorrow, sweetheart." [I'll be there. Bye, love.] "Good bye." I disconnect. Now for a way to erase the images of a naked Dana Scully amidst the luxurious soapy suds in her tub from my mind and focus on that report. Something tells me it won't be easy ... XxXxX Day 7, 4:23 pm Finally! You'd almost think it was a conspiracy, the way the only internal flight to leave Miami this afternoon with a more than 15 minute delay was the one I was on. I'm at the baggage carousel at Dulles now, waiting for my suitcase to arrive and then I finally get to see her again. I spot my suitcase on the carousel and walk up to meet it. I refuse to wait a second longer than necessary. I grab the handle and pull it up and off the carousel. I can't remember the last time I was so excited to get to the arrivals level. Maybe after returning from Oxford -- no, not even that came as close, and back then I really was excited to see my mother again, as forced as our relationship was. I mean, she was still my mother. No, this is unique. I'm sure this says something about the relationship Scully and I have and I can't wait to explore its extent. I almost run towards the glass doors that separate me from the arrivals level. I would do so but I doubt whether such obviously weird behaviour wouldn't get me in amounts of trouble that not even my badge can release me from. No, restraint is called for, even if it nearly kills me. And I'd love to meet the bastard who invented sliding doors. "Mulder!" I whip my head round towards the direction of the sound and I see her, smiling widely. I feel a smile break out on my face so wide it nearly splits my face in half. She's holding out her arms and I quickly walk towards her. I'm glad I have the clarity of mind to drop my luggage before I engulf her in a bear hug. Oh my God, does she ever feel good. "Feels so good to put my arms around you," I say, my words muffled by her hair. "I missed you," she just says. I relax the hug so we can look at each other, smiling. I then drop a kiss on her lips. I don't want to embarrass the people around us by showing too much affection, but a kiss is unavoidable. "I missed you, too. It's awesome to be back in DC." Her eyebrow curves and she smiles. "That's a statement I have no doubt the mayor of this fine city would just love to use. I wonder how many DC inhabitants would say that after just returning from Miami's South Beach!" I grin. "That all depends on what you've got to come home to." I let go of her and pick up my suitcase and carry-on bag. We make our way towards the parking area and I revel in feeling her arm around my waist. Normally I'm the one who puts my hand on the small of her back, but I have my hands full -- and I'm definitely not going to let her carry any of my luggage -- and I love the touch. We've been lovers for quite a while, but I've been deprived of her touch for a week and I'm starving for it. We don't talk as we walk to her car, just exchange smiles every now and then. She unlocks the car and I open the boot, hoisting my suitcase and bag inside. Then I get to the passenger side and slide in. She's already behind the wheel and she starts the engine. "Where do you want to go? Your place or mine?" she asks. "Maybe we could go to mine first so I can drop off my luggage and then go to your place?" She nods, driving the car towards the exit. She turns onto the freeway and heads towards the city. The traffic isn't too bad despite the fact that it's now late afternoon. "Mulder?" she says after a while. "Mmm?" "Do you think we could -- ..." "What?" "I ... I've been thinking while I was in Fort Lauderdale." "Scully, for your information: guys get really freaked out by words like those, you know." She smiles. "It's good news, don't worry." I smile wryly. "Too late." She doesn't continue right away as she negotiates an intersection. When she's back on the main road, she goes on. "I don't want us to live apart anymore." She looks at me and takes my hand. "I want you to move in with me. Or I'll move in with you, or whatever, I mean, I don't care if we even go out and get a new place together, but it's time to lose the pretence. We're partners, we're lovers, and I want to live that way." I smile widely, squeezing her hand gently. "You're not afraid of the consequences?" "What is there to be afraid of? I've been thinking about the consequences, and ..." She takes a deep breath. "... honestly, what can they do? What can happen?" Yes, but ... "Besides, you proposed, and don't try to deny it!" she says with a grin, making me chuckle. Then my smile fades. "I thought you'd never ask," I say in a low voice and she slowly turns to look at me, her eyes dark. "Okay, that's it, we need to get some more food, because I'm not going to let you out of my apartment for a long time," she says, and that's the end of this conversation. What more needs to be said after all? *** Day 7, 9:34 pm "Can you get me another glass of wine?" I reach over to grab the bottle. I put it down on the floor by the bedside table, close enough for me to reach it, but distant enough so we wouldn't inadvertently knock it over during our ... activities. We made love immediately after we got home, and again just after dinner. We're just cuddling now, but if I have any say in it, I'm not going to sleep unless we've worn ourselves out one more time. If this is what happens when we're apart for a week, this enforced celibacy thing suddenly gets a whole lot more interesting. I pull the cork out and fill her glass. Then I pour myself a glass, too. I'm not much of a wine drinker, but this is actually pretty good stuff and I like it. "Mmm, one more glass left, I think," I say as I look at the contents of the bottle. She sips her wine. "Leave it till tomorrow. Not a bad wine, is it?" I shake my head. "No, this is good." She moves closer and sits in the V of my legs, her back against me. Perfect reach. "Mulder?" "Yeah?" "This is forever, right?" "Well, I don't know about forever, but it's definitely for good." She chuckles. "Oh, you king of semantics ..." I smile. "What is it?" Her free hand clasps my free hand. "I guess I just want to say ... that perhaps marrying you is really a good decision." "Do you know that or do you feel that?" She turns her head to look at me and I tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. Then she smiles. "That's a very smart question, because I never really thought of it that way. But to answer your question: I feel it." She places her hand over her heart. "Deep down here, you know. You make sense to my heart, and I don't think anyone ever has." I smile softly, wrapping my arms around her waist. "I didn't know anything about me ever made sense ..." She smiles. "Well, you do." I reach in and kiss her, a little awkwardly because of our position, but I don't care. "This is going to cause a stir at the Bureau." She chuckles. "Maybe we should add a little to the betting pool. I'm sure the stakes are huge by now." "Rig the system, huh?" "Yeah, we're the ones who suffered from the restraint, we might as well go and reap the rewards." "I think the betting had to do with whether or not we were going to get intimate, and really we've been lovers for months. Don't you think the bets have been off for at least as long?" She shakes her head. "No, I don't think they have been. You see, most people think we've been a romantic couple since roughly after my abduction, but we haven't. By now I hardly think they're taking the signs of our love very seriously. No, I'm convinced the people in charge of the bets still think we're dancing around one another, too scared to make a move." "We could keep the marriage a secret as well, that would seriously mess with their minds." "For once I'd have no qualms about doing so just to see them freak out when it comes out into the open, but in this case I don't think I'd be able to keep it a secret. Like I said, I want us to be a proper couple, living together, sleeping together. No pretending, whether at home or at work. I think we deserve it." I softly kiss her neck. "Yeah, you're right." Then I chuckle. "Skinner's going to blow a fuse." "How so?" "Well, we talked about wanting to cut down on work and we want to get married. The whole world as he knows it is falling apart around him." "Don't be silly, we're not the only agents under his supervision. He'll get over it." "Well, yes, but I have a feeling we make up for at least three quarters of his problems." "We don't cause problems!" I squeeze my arms around her waist. "You sure about that?" She sighs. "Yeah, you're probably right ... Actually, if we decide to implement these changes, we might even be making his life a whole lot easier." "Perhaps so, yes." I start nipping the side of her neck again and she moans very softly. I love this. "Don't talk anymore. We'll talk about all the things we need to talk about tomorrow, but right now I have other things in mind." She chuckles and turns around in my arms. "Oh really?" I cup her face in my hands and kiss her long. When I pull back I smile, seeing the hot look in her eyes. "Yes. Really." She smiles. "Oh, okay then ..." I chuckle. I love it when she plays coy, especially when she doesn't mean it for shit. "Just one thing." "What?" I roll her over so I'm on top of her. "If you have another conference you need to tell me about, do it now, before I agree to something again when I really don't want to." She grins. "Nope, I wouldn't dare." I raise an eyebrow and she chuckles. "All right then," I say as I start kissing her body. I've kissed my way down to about her belly-button when she speaks again. "Actually, come to think of it ..." Oh no, I think. "You're kidding, right?" I say as I look up at her. My face must be betraying my disappointment because she grins. "Actually, I was just joking," she says, smiling widely. I growl. "Oh man, you are so going to pay for this!" FINIS Kirsten Kerkhof (c)