Dark Angel An X-Files Story by Jennifer Lyon Jenni10647@AOL.Com JennyAnn@ix.netcom.com (The characters of the X-Files are the property of FOX BC, Ten Thirteen Productions, and Chris Carter. The remainder of this story is the property of the author. Please note that this story contains graphic violence and some sexual content. Also note that this story will be published in volume four of the X- Files fanzine "Property of the FBI" by MacWombat Press. Contact Macwombat@aol.com for more information on this outstanding fanzine.) (9:30pm January 23, 1995) (Route 33, near Haverford, Michigan) The wind whistled through the bare, ice-glazed tree limbs. Anna James shivered and drew her coat tighter around her as she stumbled along the edge of the two-lane country road. This had to be one of the worst nights of her life: getting drunk at the party, fighting with her boyfriend, then stuck walking home alone in the dark. Stories she'd heard about the things that happened out here in these woods kept flooding her mind. The sudden flare of headlights made her draw back towards the shoulder. She blinked and pushed strands of blond hair back into her cap with a trembling, mitten-encased hand. She wasn't certain whether or not to chance flagging the driver down for a ride home. It was only another mile or so, but she was so cold. The car drove past her in a whoosh of sound, splashing up a mix of sand and snow, then slowed to a stop. Cautiously Anna walked forward as the small cream-colored car slid slowly backwards. Coming up to the passenger side window, Anna's breath caught in her throat as the window slowly opened, then expelled in a sigh of relief in response to a familiar face. "What are you doing out here alone, Anna?" asked a soft-throaty female voice. "Eric and I had a big fight. I...We...he just drove off and left me!" The pretty blond teenager's voice broke in a sob. "I'm sorry. Why don't you get in the car, I'd be glad take you home." A leather glove enclosed hand reached over to release the door-catch. Anna gratefully opened the door and got into the car, pulling the door shut behind her. She closed the window then rubbed her reddened, numb hands in front of a heating vent. "Thank you so much." "I'm glad I was here. Its not safe for you to be out alone like that. You could get hurt." "I know, I was kind of scared." Anna said, with a tremulous smile, beginning to relax. "Here, have some cocoa, its still warm," the woman said, handing Anna a small thermos. "Thanks," Anna said, unscrewing the cap and drinking the thick chocolate in deep gulps. The warmth of it spread through her. As the small car drove on down the highway quietly, its off-white color blending into the snow and shadows among the trees, Anna rested back and closed her eyes, dozing off into a deep dreamless sleep. Her face barely visible in the gloom, the woman at the wheel glanced over at the sleeping girl and drew her red lips back over even white teeth in a mockery of a smile. Her eyes glowed an unearthly luminescent green. "Sleep well, my dear, sleep forever." -------------- (12:30pm January 25, 1995) (Route 33, near Haverford, Michigan) Sunlight sprinkled the snow and ice, creating bright rainbow splashes of light across the scene. Special Agent Dana Scully shielded her eyes with her right arm, squinting as she knelt down by the black-plastic covered shape on the roadside. The uniformed officer responded to her nod by unzipping the body-bag to reveal what was inside. Scully grimaced and rubbed at her eyes briefly. Despite years of training as a pathologist, sights like this one always hurt. Long strands of blond hair swirled around the face of the dead girl, tendrils of gold edged in brown where they were coated in her blood. Her face was surprisingly peaceful, eyes closed as if asleep, mouth slightly parted as though about to take a breath. It was the sight of the rest of her that made the experienced federal agent draw a deep, painful breath. From the neck down, the young woman's skin had been stripped away. Large chunks of muscle had been carefully removed from her shoulders, arms, sides, and legs. The ribs were broken open to expose the empty chest cavity. Frozen blood pooled in spaces where a heart had once beat and lungs had pumped air. A quick glance at the abdomen confirmed that the liver and kidneys had been removed as well. Scully studied the body for a moment, her face hardened into a professional mask, then she nodded at the officer to close the zipper over the body. Rising to her feet, she stood aside as the body was carried into a waiting van. "Agent Scully?" asked a deep male voice from behind her. "Yes," Scully responded, turning her head before her shoulders. The movement caused her hair to cascade sideways, glimmering bright red in the midday sun. "Sheriff Jack Turner," said a big, bulky man dressed in a heavy winter uniform. His eyes were a surprisingly gentle brown under bushy, gray-sprinkled eyebrows. "I'm grateful the FBI was able to send you so soon. I'm afraid we're in over our heads with all this. I spent several years with the police in Boston before taking the job as Sheriff here, so I've had some experience with violent death. But the rest of my men, well, hunting accidents and the occasional domestic shooting are about the limit of their experience. God, I came here to try to escape this kind of thing." Scully nodded in understanding. "Has anyone been able to identify her?" she asked. "Yes, her name is Anna James," the Sheriff answered. "Her parents own a small farm a few miles from here. They haven't been told yet, I thought I should do that myself." His face tightened in anger. "I've known her family for years. She was a good kid." "I'm sorry," Scully said in sympathy. "Me, too," he replied. They stood in silence for a moment. "Where are you taking the body?" Scully spoke quietly. "To the local mortuary for now. Usually we send them on to the hospital in Engelston, which is about a hundred miles away. It has the closest pathology unit. But the agent I spoke to at the Ann Arbor bureau told me that you were qualified to do the autopsy yourself?" Scully nodded. "Any nearby medical facility will fine. I can take samples for more detailed analysis and send them on to Quantico if needed." "There's a pretty good medical clinic in Haverford. They have a small surgery for emergencies." "That should do. I'd like to get started as soon as possible. Let me just..." Scully shaded her eyes again as she looked anxiously around her, "Where on earth did Mulder go?" Fox Mulder leaned back against the large oak tree and watched the crime scene unfold. A slight breeze lifted black tendrils of hair over his brow, then let them settle again. Mulder was no stranger to the horrible spectacle of violent death. He'd seen it in myriad forms, from bodies torn apart in vicious rage to the carefully stylized victims of a compulsive serial killer. But it never ceased to make his stomach churn and his head ache. The crinkles in his brow, the tight set of his jaw, an ever so brief closing of his eyes, were the only signs of the emotional firestorm raging inside. To an observer he would have looked half-asleep, eyes heavy-lidded, mouth closed, head tilted back against the rough bark of the tree trunk. Underneath the calm exterior, his mind was busy photographing every image, every sensation. He could see his partner's bright head shining in the sun as she conversed with the sheriff. The body had been removed, leaving a crushed, darkened spot in the snow, around which uniformed personnel scuttled like ants around a puddle of spilled soda. He mentally filed a series of images: the brown- limned mark of the girl's body in the snow; black asphalt of the road-edge peeking out under the muddy slush of dirt-encrusted snow; the trees a few feet away, branches thin and shivering, dripping crystals of ice; the movements of the police photographer. All were shaded by the smell and feel of unnatural death. Mulder knew that this was not going to be an easy one. This killer was smart, very smart, and careful. Four deaths in as many weeks, spread out over several hundred square miles of farmland and wilderness. No fingerprints and little or no useful physical evidence. The bodies had obviously been transported and dumped, but no-one had reported seeing anything. Unfortunately this was an area with a small and scattered population. Just too many places to hide. Which brought up another question. Why leave the bodies in public view by the road unless the killer *wanted* them to be found? Issuing a challenge to the authorities? Maybe... Mulder's thoughts were interrupted by his partner's concerned voice. "Mulder? Are you alright?" Dana Scully was walking towards him, a small figure covered in a large winter parka that made her look like a small child wearing her father's clothes. She was trailed by the hulking Sheriff, the country simplicity of his rough-hewn features disguising his sharp intellect. "Yeah, I'm fine Scully, just thinking," the tall slender agent replied, pulling himself to a more upright position. "Anything useful?" she asked. Mulder just shrugged his shoulders. Realizing he wasn't ready to say more, Scully continued speaking. "I thought I'd have the body moved to the clinic in town so I can start the autopsy. The sheriff has I.D.'d the body as a local teenager, named Anna James. He's planning to go inform her parents as soon as things are wrapped up here. I thought you might want to go with him. The autopsy may keep my busy for a while." "Sure, Scully, that's a good idea. If it's OK with you, sheriff." Mulder said, looking directly into the big man's eyes, which were at an even level with his own. "Fine with me," replied Sheriff Turner meeting the agent's dark, penetrating hazel gaze with a quiet confidence. "Good." Mulder took one last look around then walked swiftly past the others towards the cars parked unevenly on the opposing roadside. Scully and Turner glanced at each other briefly, then followed him, their footprints deep and silent in the snow. ------------------------ (4:30pm January 25) (Haverford Medical Clinic) The medical clinic lobby was quiet and empty as Fox Mulder entered, shaking the snow off his feet onto the entrance mat. He paused to take a quick survey of his surroundings, then moved purposefully past the receptionist's desk and through the inner door. His soft footsteps on the carpet barely made a sound as he moved through the dimmed hallway. Shifting the weight of the heavy file folders under his arm, he called out his partner's name as he poked his head around a corner. "Scully?" A door past him on the right edged open, spilling out a triangle of light onto the carpet. A familiar face poked out around the door, "Mulder...We're in here." "We?" he questioned, taking the door from her hand as he followed her into the room. It was a small staff break room containing two well-worn small couches, a round cafeteria-type table with four wooden chairs, a soda machine and a refrigerator in the corner. A cabinet topped by a plastic counter ran across one wall, ending in a small sink. The decor was light and airy with blue and white-striped wall paper, a big wall-calendar, a bulletin board filled with notices and announcements, photographs and cards, all hanging at various angles from haphazardly thrust pins. Scully resumed her seat on one of the couches, pulling up her feet under her, and reaching for her coffee mug. Still dressed in surgical greens, her hair was bound back in a characteristic loose pony-tail, unbound strands framing her cheeks and jaw. Sitting catty-corner from her was another woman, dressed similarly, blond hair looped up in a knot on the crown of her head. Mulder noticed her eyes first, they were a startling emerald green, framed by long thick eyelashes. The rest of her face was just as lovely: clear porcelain skin, full mouth, straight nose, strong cheekbones. Suddenly realizing he was staring at her, he covered his embarrassment by dropping the file folders onto the table, and looking questioningly at Scully, who grinned at him in amusement. "Special Agent Fox Mulder...Doctor Claire Kincaid." "Hello." he said, nodding professionally. "Nice to meet you," the woman replied, giving him a warm smile and meeting his eyes directly. He found himself smiling back, returning the eyes contact, enjoying the glow of warmth that infused him, though only for a brief moment. The emotional shutters he'd built up over his life snapped down into place, jerking him back into awareness of Scully's voice. "Claire runs the clinic here, and was kind enough to help me with the autopsy." "It turns out Dana and I went to the same medical school. We just missed each other by a year." Claire's voice was warm and throaty. The sound of it sent another wave of heat through Mulder. "What on earth is wrong with you?" he thought. This was hardly the time or place. The last time he'd allowed himself to give in to an attraction for a woman while on a case, she'd ended up killing herself. A sense of anguish and loss flooded him, combined with a deep sense of guilt. He should have been able to do something to protect Kristen....something... "Stop it!" he told himself fiercely. Intellectually he knew she'd made her own decision, and that she had been a very troubled woman. He had to admit to himself that it had been those emotional wounds that had drawn him to her, they had been an echo of his own pain. The darkness in her soul had cried out to his. Claire was obviously different. She radiated the same confidence and practicality that he had come to rely upon in Scully. He mentally shook his head, he was just tired and this case was troubling him. There was a sense of something different from the serial killers he'd had contact with in the past. If only he could put his finger on it. "That's great," he said, covering his thoughts with a bland expression. "I'm glad you were here to help, Dr. Kincaid. Did you find anything interesting, Scully?" "Nothing different from the previous victims. It'll be a while before we get the toxicology results, but it's likely she was heavily drugged with morphine as were the others. I suppose we should be grateful that she was probably unaware of what was happening to her, since she was alive through most of it." Mulder grimaced slightly, his eyes glinting, then silently gestured for her to continue. "The skin was stripped off with a sharp knife blade, followed by the subcutaneous fat layer. I think that the organs were removed next: heart, lungs, liver and kidney. This was followed by the excision of muscles throughout the body. The ribs were probably broken by hand, since the breaks were unevenly spaced. Technically she died from the removal of her heart, though her brain would have continued to function during the stripping away of the muscles. Time of death is hard to estimate due to the cold temperatures, but I'd guess sometime between midnight and 6 am." Mulder looked at her sharply, "Was it professionally done, Scully. Do you think our killer has medical training?" "Maybe," Scully said, "but not necessarily. The cuts didn't have a surgical pattern. Our perp was not that interested in neatness, and I'm certain that the weapon was nothing as small as a scalpel. Some kind of large knife, with a blade length of least a dozen inches, maybe more. Of course, there is the question of the morphine, which would suggest some kind of access to a hospital or pharmacy." "Morphine is street-accessible if you know where to look. Still, I'll have the sheriff check again with the local pharmacies and the Engleston hospital. See if anything is missing. What about this clinic, Dr. Kincaid? Do you keep any morphine here?" "It's Claire," she corrected, flashing a bright smile, then added with calm composure, "We have a small supply, but its kept locked in my cabinet. Only Sheryl, the nurse practitioner, and I have keys. I checked it just yesterday. The correct amount is there. Would you like to see?" "No, I guess we can take your word for it...for now." Dana replied, mock-seriously. "Thanks, I think." Claire laughed slightly. Then her classic features settled into a more solemn expression as she suggested, "It could be someone with hunting experience. A lot of people around here hunt regularly, as do many visitors. And it's mostly farms around here. I'm sure most of the populations has butchered animals at some time or another." She studied both their faces for a moment. "I'm sorry, I know that doesn't help, but this looked a lot to me like what a hunter would do to a deer." "No, you're right Claire," Scully responded. She turned to look again at Mulder, "That's exactly what it does look like. She was skinned, followed by organ removal, then the muscle was stripped away in chunks." Mulder shook his head in disgust, then found himself quipping lightly, "Storing away meat for the long winter ahead." "Ugh!!!" Scully said, pursing her mouth with distaste. She swiped at a particularly annoying strand of hair, and sighed. "Unfortunately, you may be right. None of the missing parts have been found from any of the victims, and the killer certainly took his time to remove them." "It wouldn't be the first time," Mulder said darkly. Claire shivered, focusing wide green eyes on him. "This is so awful. You hear about things like this happening in the cities, but somehow you think that it couldn't happen here. I used to leave my door unlocked, now I check the deadbolt twice every night." "I'm afraid size of population has little bearing on this kind of psychosis. It can occur anywhere." responded Scully sympathetically. Mulder just grimaced slightly, picking up and thumbing through one of the case reports he'd dumped on the table behind him. "How'd things go with Anna's parents?" Scully asked. "They were devastated. I'm glad the sheriff was there to help break the news, although there's just no good way to do that," replied Mulder sadly. "Apparently she had gone out to a party," he continued, "with her boyfriend, Eric Kellar, about 5 p.m. that night and just never returned home. The sheriff and I talked to several of her friends, and she was fine, albeit a little drunk, at the party. Anna and Eric left about 9pm. One person says they were arguing as they got into Eric's truck." "What does Eric say?" Scully asked. "The sheriff and I were unable to find him. He seems to have disappeared some time this afternoon." "Do you think he could be dead too?" Claire interjected. "Probably not. My guess is he got frightened when he heard she was dead. He was very upset when he found out that she'd never returned home. He told her parents yesterday that they had an argument and that he had dumped her out of the truck about a mile and half from her home. I'm sure he blames himself for what happened, but I doubt he's in any danger from anyone except himself. All of our victims so far have been young women. Most serial killers tend to pick their victims by type, and rarely alter the pattern. Anyway, the sheriff has some men out looking for him, just in case." "You think the killer just happened on her by accident while she was walking home?" Scully questioned. "Its certainly possible, though I'd guess he was out looking. Maybe was even following her, watching for his chance. This isn't like a city where there will always be people wandering around at night. I doubt he could expect to run into a potential victim at random. Though stranger things have happened." Mulder answered with a slight, edgy grin on the last sentence. He leaned his chin down into his hands and yawned. Scully suddenly noticed the fatigue in his face, which was drawn and tense with deep-grooved lines etched across his forehead and around his eyes. His normally bright and penetrating eyes were opaque, his mouth tight and thin. He looked exhausted and weak. A sudden thought occurred to her. "When is the last time you ate, Mulder. And I don't mean a few sunflower seeds." "What? Oh...I don't remember exactly. Last night, I think. It's not important, Scully," he protested. However, his stomach chose that moment to growl loudly at the thought of food, contradicting his words. He gave Scully a sheepish grin, while she just shook her head at him in frustration. Claire, who had been watching this exchange with growing amusement, offered to get Mulder a sandwich. "I always bring in something for lunch, though I often end up too busy to get a chance to eat it. I'm sure I have a couple of sandwiches in here." She went over to the fridge and examined the contents for a moment. "Here," she pulled out a small plastic container. "Do you want one too, Dana?" "No thanks, Claire, I grabbed a bite before we started the autopsy. I'm never up to eating immediately afterwards," "I can understand that," Claire said, as she removed a Saran wrapped sandwich and held it out to Mulder. He hesitated, then took it with a grateful smile, feeling an electric tingle between them as their fingers touched. He pulled his hand away abruptly, then busily unwrapped the sandwich, hoping she hadn't noticed, though the sparkle in her eyes and the slight upturn in the corners of her mouth indicated that she had indeed noticed. But at the sight of food his mouth had started to water. He was much hungrier that he'd realized. "Thanks," he murmured, not quite meeting her eyes. "You're welcome," she said, watching him take a healthy bite. "Ummm...this is good," he mumbled through a second mouthful. Claire smiled. "An old family recipe." She laughed, her eyes glimmering a bright emerald green.. ------------------- Part Two of "Dark Angel" by Jennifer Lyon Jenni10647@aol.com JennyAnn@ix.netcom.com Note: this story contains graphic violence and some sexual content. It has an "R" rating for good reason. ------------------------------------------- ------------------- (1654 Hawks Road) (January 26, 1995) Claire hummed lightly to herself as she examined the contents of her freezer. She was getting low already. 'These teenagers today,' she thought with exasperation, 'they never get enough excersize.' Anna James hadn't supplied her with more than a few days worth of the necessary reconstituting flesh, but it was dangerous to butcher too many of them too quickly. And she knew it was foolish of her to leave the bodies where they could be found. But she enjoyed the consternation it caused so immensely. Besides, it had brought HIM to her. She picked up a package, absently deciding that thigh muscle would make a good stir-fry, closed and bolted the freezer, and climbed the stairs back up to the kitchen. Closing the basement door behind her, she walked over to the microwave and placed the meat inside, setting it on defrost. Checking her watch, she realized she'd better hurry, Mulder and Scully were due for dinner in just over an hour. She had much to prepare for them. A smile of pleasure transfixed her face at the thought of the tall, dark man she'd met the previous day. How often had she prayed to the Dark Powers to ease the loneliness of her time on earth. She again cursed the foolishness and pride that had caused her to be thrown down to exist on this earthly plane, to suffer the needs of this flesh. Above all, to struggle with the intense hunger that made satisfying the need to reconstitute the flesh she wore into a driving compulsion. Nonetheless, she had remained faithful to the Dark Lords, never forgetting to offer them their part of the sacrifice. And now they had finally answered some of her prayers, rewarding her loyalty with a companion to ease her suffering. She knew well that the one who called himself 'Fox Mulder' was presently unaware of his true being. It was only after years of living as a human that she had come to realize her own incandescent nature. Those years of suffering had ended when she first consumed human flesh and blood. In that sublime moment she had been flooded with knowledge and understanding. Now she knew what she had been, and would be again, once her time of punishment was finished. Claire carefully poured a measured amount of morphine into the wine bottle. It would be a shock for him at first. He'd resist. The influence of the flesh he wore would be strong. But she was stronger and she'd be there to help him through the process of Rebecoming. And once he came to accept his true nature, they'd join as one. Claire smiled again. The woman he brought with him would be a proper sacrifice to celebrate their joining. Her blood would an fitting sacrament. ...the microwave was finished. She removed the meat from the microwave and began chopping it into strips. Dinner would be ready on time. ---------------------------- (January 26, 1995) (Junction of Route 33, near Haverford) Both Scully and Mulder were silent as they drove past the site where Ann James' body had been found the previous day. The last twenty-four hours had been one frustration after another. No evidence of missing morphine from any nearby medical facility. No useful leads from the sparse evidence found at the crime scene. No information on Anna's movements after Eric had left her. Eric himself had finally been located - dead drunk in an Engleston bar. The agents had driven nearly a hundred miles to interview him, only to drive back empty-handed. Anna had been alive, well, and furious when Eric had abandoned her by the roadside. He'd driven straight home afterwards without seeing another soul. Not even one other car on the road. The physical circumstances of Anna's death were an exact replica of the previous three cases. All three were teenage girls, blond and blue-eyed, ordinary, but precious to their loved ones. All had been found abandoned by roadsides, bodies stripped like deer carcasses. Scully had shipped two of the bodies to FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. in the hope the killer had not been quite as careful as it appeared. Neither she nor Mulder had much faith in that possibility. Mulder had worked up a preliminary psychological profile on the killer, but it seemed more full of holes than anything else. They were only guessing that the killer was using the removed body parts as more than just trophies, but Mulder felt an innate certainty that this killer was ingesting the flesh of his victims. "Perhaps he feels that by eating their flesh, he absorbs them into himself...physically becomes them." Mulder suggested, breaking the long quiet. "Maybe," Scully replied. "But I think it may be a way of reducing them to less than human. He degrades them into animals by treating them as a food source." "Of course, he could just like the taste," Mulder quipped. "Oh yeah," Scully retorted. "Probably tastes like chicken." "Ahhh...more like turkey or duck." Mulder stated solemnly. Scully glanced over at him with a mixture of amusement and surprise. She knew her partner better than anyone, but there were still times when even she just wasn't sure if he was being serious. "Mulder..." "Well, that's what I've heard," he said. "Yeah, from who?" Scully asked, not sure she really wanted the answer. "A serial killer I helped catch my first year in behavioral sciences. Franklin Galston. He had a taste for Asian women. Literally. We found a freezer full of meat packages - all nicely labeled by name." Catching Scully's look of disgust, he shrugged his shoulders. "Well, at least it made identifying which part belonged to which victim easier." "Ugh!" Scully shivered. "Just once I'd like to investigate something that doesn't make me feel sick to my stomach." "Hope you're not feeling too sick, Scully. I'll bet Claire is a pretty good cook." "Anyone who could boil water would look like a real cook to you, Mulder. I've seen your attempts in the kitchen." "I can too boil water," Mulder rejoined indignantly. "And I'm a mean hand with a can opener." "Yep, fastest can-opener in the west!" Scully responded. They both smiled. "Actually, though, I really am hungry." Scully said a moment later. "It was nice of Claire to offer to feed us tonight." "Yes, it was. One more stale donut, and I really will be sick." Mulder concurred, rubbing his stomach with a grimace. "There..." Scully pointed to the branch in the road ahead. "Turn right on Hawks road. It should be the third house on the left." Mulder slowed the car and veered off to the right on the quiet country lane. ------------------ (January 27, 1995) (early morning) He was frozen, unable to move. Watching through half-blinded eyes as his sister floated out of the room. He struggled to reach her. Pain coursed through his arms, his wrists were on fire. "NOOOOO," he screamed, eyes jerking open. "Shhhh," said a soft, warm female voice, as a hand brushed over his brow. He blinked, trying to focus his eyes on the shadowed face bending down close over his. An aura of gold, green eyes, red smiling lips...Claire. Claire!? "What?" he breathed deeply, as an attempt to move brought him to the shocked realization that his hands and feet were bound. He could feel metal cuffs cutting into the flesh of his wrists and ankles. "Claire...?" "Just relax," she whispered to him, "Here, drink this." He coughed and sputtered as she poured a thick salty fluid into his half-open mouth. Some of it flooded down his throat, the rest splashed down over his chin. She smiled, as though at a child who has spilled his milk, wiping the splattered fluid away with a soft cloth. As she moved to put it aside, his gaze caught the bright red color and he began to shake. Memories flooded him in a flash of images. A young girl's body in the snow. Carol James's horror as the Sheriff broke the news of her daughter's death. Scully sitting curled up on a couch in surgical greens. The face of a distraught teenage boy. Claire smiling at him as he entered her house. Candle-light flickering through wine. Dinner... and then nothing. "You...you killed those girls," he stammered in shocked comprehension. "Of course," she replied smiling at him again, this time with approval. "The flesh is necessary to properly maintain my awareness in this form. And of course, to give the proper sacrifice to Those Who Watch In Darkness. I know you don't remember now, but it will come back to you in time. I'll help you." "Remember what?" he asked, desperately trying to focus his still foggy mind. "Your true nature. You are like me, but the trap of this flesh," she brushed his cheek with her fingertips, "makes you forget. Its like a powerful drug, robbing you of your true power. Only the ingestion of the flesh and blood of real humans can reawaken your awareness of your proper self - return to you your power as a force of darkness." As he looked up at her with stunned eyes, she fingered a drop of blood still resting on the corner of his mouth, bringing it up to her mouth to lick at it. She smiled again. "You're lucky I recognized you. I had to survive Rebecoming alone. I went through years of suffering and anguish, knowing I didn't belong with these human animals, but not knowing why. Only when I consumed human flesh for the first time did I truly come to understand. You will know too, soon enough, and with my help it will be so much easier for you than it was for me. The Dark Powers have blessed us both. But now you must rest. Let the blood and flesh you have already ingested begin the process." "Claire, I..." he began, reaching for words that seemed to be slipping away from him before he could grasp them. "Shhh," she silenced him with a soft brush of her mouth against his. The sudden tingle of physical response he felt made him shudder. He closed his eyes and lay still as she moved away and left the room, bolting the door behind her. He lay there for a few long moments, eyes shut tight, body tensed against the chains binding him. Claire was obviously insane. She'd killed those girls, believing she needed to feed on human flesh. She had fooled both him and Scully completely. Scully! He looked around him anxiously, but there was no sign of his red-haired partner. He was alone. 'Dear God, let her be OK!" he prayed, panic beginning to rise in him. He shut the fear down brutally. He had to be able to think clearly. He had to figure out how to get out of this, to find Scully. Twisting his head as best he could, he tried to assess his surroundings through the flicker of candlelight. It was a small room, the walls fully covered by dark shimmering panels of fabric. The same black cloth covered every surface, including the bed he was lying on. A multitude of candles provided the only source of light, creating ripples of light and shadow. He could feel a length of what felt like satin draped over his naked body. The table close to his head held an elaborate, branching candle holder, a small bowl whose contents he couldn't make out, and the large goblet that must have held the blood she'd fed him. The blood-stained cloth she'd cleaned him with was draped over the edge. Leaning his head back as far as he could, he was able to catch a glimpse of his hands. Heavy shackles were tight around his wrists, linked to an elaborately carved iron headboard with thick metallic chains. He pulled and twisted against them, managing to grasp onto the chains with his fingers, but there was little flex available. He could barely move his arms at all. He turned his attention to his ankles, groaning with effort as he tried to lift his head. Pain washed over him at the sudden change of position, fire lancing through his temples. He dropped his head back, eyes tearing. The quick glance he'd caught confirmed the sensations from his already sore ankles. No chance of breaking free from those chains. Nothing he could do until Claire decided to come back. Somehow he had to convince her to let him go. But how? -------------- (January 27, 1995) (late evening) The door swung open slowly. Mulder blinked as the sudden inflow of light made his gloom-adjusted eyes ache. His automatic attempt to move his hand to shield his eyes only aggravated the growing discomfort in his limbs. He bit back on a whimper of pain, averting his eyes away from the doorway as Claire entered, carrying a plate and large bottle. After she had placed these down on the table by his head, she pushed the door shut and came to sit beside him. He glared up at her, eyes dark and piercing, lit with anger and defiance. She was again struck by the beauty of his mortal frame. In the shadowy light, his features were carved in stone, black silken bangs covering his forehead, jaw jutted forward, deep hollows underlying the arch of his cheekbones. The velvety skin along his neck and shoulder was warm to her touch as she traced the underside of his jaw with her finger. She sighed softly and pulled away. Mulder lay unmoving, noting every movement, every reaction, storing it in his memory. He needed to find the points of weakness - the wedge he could use to gain his freedom. But he also needed desperately to know if Scully was still alive. Throughout the long hours of imprisonment, he had thought of his partner constantly. He had replayed his memories of her over and over: the first moment she had walked into his office; the shocked hysterical look on her face as they stood in the rain by empty graves on that first case; the time she had lied to Skinner to protect him. He remembered the moments of shared laughter, shared fear, and shared understanding. Losing her and finding her again. Above all, the moment she had broken down into his arms after Pfaster had kidnapped her. He could still feel her sobs, the warmth of her body pressed against his, the taste of her hair against his mouth. Bracing himself, he spoke in a scratchy, uneven voice, "Scully? Where is she? What have you done with her?" Having filled the wine cup, she closed the bottle and turned back to him. "Nothing," she replied. "It is not my place to take her. She is destined to be your first sacrifice. Since her blood must be fresh to properly consecrate your awakening, she will remain asleep on the morphine until you are ready." Mulder nearly wept with relief and joy. Scully was still alive, and would remain safe as long as he could convince Claire that he might accept her plans for him. If he could draw it out long enough, it might give the Sheriff time to find them. He had to have noticed they were missing by now. Mulder found himself wondering what was happening outside. "The Sheriff..." he began. Claire interrupted him with a soft laugh. "Don't worry, my Dark Angel. He is no threat to us. I told him that you and Scully came for dinner last night, then left around 8 o'clock to go take another look at the crime scenes. They'll probably find your car soon, since I left it near where I put Anna's body. I covered my tracks carefully so that we'll be safe, my dearest. "Now, please drink this. It will give you strength." She lowered the goblet of blood to his mouth. Mulder's instinctive reaction was to jerk his head away, closing his mouth tightly. His stomach roiled at the thought of swallowing human blood. It was sickening. She pressed her hand to his jaw, pushing his head back towards her. "Don't make this difficult," she scolded lightly. "You must drink. It's the only way you can awaken to your true nature. I know it seems hard at first, but it will get better soon. I'll be with you," she urged, pressing the edge of the goblet against his pursed lips. He closed his eyes and shuddered, weighing his fear of angering her against his revulsion at swallowing the blood. The knowledge that Scully's life was hanging in the balance forced his decision. Grimacing slightly, he obediently opened his mouth to let her pour the thick fluid into his throat. He gulped it down as rapidly as he could, forcing himself to ignore the violent waves of nausea that rocked through him. After several choking swallows, she seemed satisfied. "There now, that wasn't so bad." she said, with a warm smile. She wiped the corners of his mouth, then reached beside her for a sandwich. "I remember how much you liked my sandwich the other night. Unfortunately, I've run out of the meat I took from Rebecca, so I had to use Anna for this one. But I think they have a very similar flavor. I chopped up some fresh celery and pickle to mix into it for you." She chatted easily, as though this was a normal dinner menu. Mulder tried to inch away, but he was held fast by the chains, trapped in this living nightmare. His skin felt like it was crawling with a thousand angry ants. His stomach was doing somersaults. His mouth felt contaminated by the salty-sweet taste of the blood. He wasn't sure he could handle any more. "I'm not hungry," he managed to croak. "Nonsense," she said. "You haven't eaten in over twelve hours. Once you taste food, you'll realize how hungry you are." The worst of it was that she was right about the hunger. Sick as he felt, he was starving. But not for this. The image of Anna's body in the snow flooded his mind. He shook his head. "Please, Claire," he whispered, "Please, I can't." "You must," she insisted. "Just take a bite." He turned his head away from her, muttering "No" through closed lips. As she had done earlier, she forced his jaw back around to face her. Her green eyes glittered as she stared at him determinedly. "Don't argue with me about this. It is necessary. You will thank me for it later." 'Oh no I won't,' he thought furiously, struggling against his bonds. She sat serenely by his side, letting him struggle helplessly for a while, until the pain in his wrists and ankles made him gasp. "There, you see, you're only going to hurt yourself," she chided, meeting his angry glare calmly. "Now stop fussing and eat your dinner." He closed his eyes in agony. He couldn't do this, not even for Scully. He couldn't! But a picture of Scully's face, as it had looked when she was laying senseless in a coma in the hospital those so few months previously, kept filling his mind. How could he let anyone hurt her again? He prayed silently for an alternative, but opening his eyes, he could only see Claire's lovely, fixated face staring down at him. How could such beauty hide such horror? How could he have been so easily blinded by her exterior? He violently cursed his own stupidity. After a few minutes of deadlock, Claire put the sandwich down on the table and crossed the room. Lifting a piece of cloth, she removed a large knife. Its shimmering, twelve inch blade was centered in an elaborate, curving hilt, small jewels lining the edges. Gliding back towards Mulder, she brought it down on the sandwich in a series of quick, experienced jerks of her wrist. Once the sandwich was cut into small square pieces, she seated herself on the edge of the bed. Mulder continued to glare at her, refusing to show evidence of the fear that was curling its way through his body. The knife blade glimmered in the candlelight as Claire brought it down in a slow arc towards his face. He tensed, a small gasp escaping through his clamped lips as it came to rest, cold and sharp, against his mouth. With her other hand, Claire picked up a piece of the sandwich and held it up. "I don't want to cause you unnecessary pain, but if I have to force your mouth open, I will. You must eat," she said calmly, though her eyes sparked green fire. Mulder froze, terrified to move a muscle, even to take a breath, as she traced his lips with the point of the knife. Finally she pulled it away and replaced it with the chopped slice of human meat and bread. Mulder found himself opening his mouth in acceptance, mostly out of sheer terror, part out of renewed determination. For now he'd do whatever was necessary to keep Scully alive and to convince Claire to give him his freedom. His eyes flared with barely-controlled fury as he reluctantly chewed and swallowed. Silently, he swore to himself that when the time came, he'd see her pay for what she'd done. ------------------------ Part Three of "Dark Angel" by Jennifer Lyon Jenni10647@aol.com JennyAnn@ix.netcom.com Note: This story contains graphic violence and some sexual content. It has an "R" rating for good reason. ---------------------------------------- ------------------------ January 30, 1995 (three days later) Mulder was sleeping peacefully as Claire entered the room, carrying a dinner tray. She'd used up most of her store of meat feeding them both. If he wasn't ready soon, she'd have to kill again. Her thoughts turned to the unconscious woman imprisoned in her basement. Killing her would be such a pleasure. But it was necessary to be patient. Tomorrow night. She was sure he would be ready by then. The ceremony she had planned for tonight should finish his awakening. She placed the tray on the table and resumed her seat on the edge of the bed by his side. His eyes slowly fluttered open to look up at her, a small smile turning the edges of his lips upwards. "How are you feeling?" she asked, brushing his bangs to the side. "Hungry," he replied, his smile deepening. "That smells good." "Home-made meatloaf," she said, leaning over to pour rich, thick blood into the mug. When she turned back to him, he opened his mouth slightly in anticipation, waiting for her to pour the salty fluid down his throat. To her satisfaction, he drank eagerly, his eyes half-closed in pleasure, glittering like diamonds under their dark-lashed shutters. As she dribbled the last few drops against his lips, his tongue darted out to sweep up the red liquid. She watched him closely, her heart beating faster within her breast, delighted with his response. As she turned her back to him to prepare the meatloaf for him, Mulder's eyes narrowed and his jaw tightened. He hadn't missed one bit of the satisfaction expressed on her mobile, flawless features. He had to get her to release him soon. It was getting harder and harder to maintain his concentration. There were moments he almost believed her psychotic fantasies. The monotony of his imprisonment had been broken only by her visits. If it had not been for his eidetic memory, he'd have gone crazy by now. He bit back a bitter laugh. Until now he'd always considered it more of a curse than a blessing. But now it supplied a vital distraction. He'd always been able to visualize each page of every book he'd read, turning them over in his mind. During the last two days, he had worked his way through many of his favorite books: Shakespeare's "Hamlet," Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead," and Ngaio Marsh's mysteries. But above all, he had again read every precious word of Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle's "The Sherlock Holmes' Mysteries." How he loved those stories. The flow of his thoughts was shattered when he realized she was turning back to look at him. Instantly he relaxed his face, sliding back into the soft smile with which he'd greeted her. She smiled in return, scooping up a fork-full of the meatloaf and lowering it into his mouth. "I hope you like this. It took me a while to make," she said. "Sheryl loaned me the recipe. Its supposed to be done with beef, but human meat is better for us." He swallowed the concoction and grinned up at her, "Its great. Thank you." "You're welcome," she said, continuing to feed him. After he had worked his way through about half of it, he closed his eyes and sighed. "I'm sorry Claire, I'm stuffed. I couldn't eat another bite." "That's OK," she said, pleased with how well he was cooperating. "We can save it for later. Let me just clean this up, then we'll get started." "Get started?" he questioned, trying hard to keep his voice from shaking. "I think it's time for you to be consecrated," she said wiping the edges of his mouth clean. Then she picked up the tray and left the room. After she left, Mulder worked himself into a panic, straining against his chains, the agony in his raw and chafed wrists and ankles barely penetrating his mind. His thoughts kept tumbling in a circle. What did Claire mean by 'consecrated?' Again and again he heard her soft, velvety voice saying, "She is destined to be your first sacrifice...her blood must be fresh to properly consecrate your awakening..." Swallowing the blood of strangers had been difficult enough. The thought of being forced to drink the blood of the woman he loved, knowing she'd been murdered to procure it, made every nerve in his body fire, like a thousand piercing needles stabbing him at once. His heart pounded in his chest, his teeth ground as he clamped down his jaw, and his eyes darkened to solid black circles. He could feel the rush of his own blood in his ears as it burned through his veins. If Claire hurt so much as one lovely, auburn hair on Scully's head, he would kill her. Somehow, some way, if it took his own life in the process, he was going to carve her into pieces. The sound of the door being opened sent a final tremor through him. Then he became deathly still, unmoving, every muscle tensed to its limit, but paralyzed. Claire hummed softly to herself as she entered the room, a large pitcher of blood cradled in her arms. This would consume most of her remaining blood supply, drained from the four teenagers she'd killed in the last month. But it would be enough. Tomorrow they would be able to siphon enough from Dana sustain them until they found another sacrifice. Mulder watched her with narrowed eyes as she placed the pitcher on the table, moving the candelabra across the room to allow space. Her blond hair was loose and unbound for the first time since he'd met her, and he was surprised by the length. It flowed all the way down her back in waves of gold. She was dressed in a simple black robe, no make-up, no jewelry. Even her fingernails had been stripped of their usual red color. She poured blood from the coppery-colored pitcher into a small bowl, placing it on the edge of the table closest to the bed. Then she calmly unbuttoned and discarded her robe, leaving her sleek, peach-skinned body naked. Even despite his terror and hatred, Mulder found himself responding to her beauty. A response that embarrassed him deeply when she reached over to remove the black satin cloth that had been draped over him. However, to his relief, she ignored it, even when she clambered up to seat herself on his chest, knees bent on either side of his torso. Picking up the bowl of blood, she balanced it against his upper chest. "Try to stay as still as possible," she told him. "This is the last of my blood supply until we harvest Dana tomorrow." He nodded, barely managing to contain a cry of joy. Scully was still safe. At least for now. He had to convince Claire to release him from his chains. He didn't know what she was planning to do to him tonight, but it didn't matter. He could cope with anything as long as it gave him the chance to save Scully's life. Claire dipped her hands into the blood and lifted up a cupped handful. She held it above the bowl and let it dribble through her fingers. Smiling down at him, she then lifted the bowl with blood-stained fingertips and put it off to the side. Then she leaned down over Mulder, her breasts brushing his face, as she began to coat his hands and forearms with the wet, sticky fluid. She worked her way down his arms slowly, massaging the blood into his skin, inch by inch. Every so often, she'd lift herself back up to dip her hands into the gory bowl, small drops splattering against her body and his. One tear- shaped droplet fell onto the upper slope of her right breast as she arched to stretch out the muscles of her shoulder and back. Mulder found himself absorbed by its slow trickle down her flesh, circling her nipple and cascading down the underside of her breast. Her face aglow, eyes sparkling a bright green fire, Claire finished with his shoulders and began to rub the blood into his hair. Again and again she pushed wet, sticky fingers through the dark silken strands, coating them with a red sheen. She meticulously stroked his bangs, drawing each wayward lock between gore-coated fingers. Next she caressed his face, leaving trails of blood across his forehead, cheekbones, nose and jaw, tracing the hollows below his eyes, his upper lip and his chin. Finally she let one finger trail across his lips. Mulder slowly opened his mouth, curling his tongue around that finger, feeling a rush of satisfaction at her gasp of surprise. She shivered slightly as she lowered her finger deeper into his mouth. Taking full advantage of her response, Mulder sucked on her finger, flicking the sensitive fingertip with the edge of his tongue. She let him continue for a moment, her eyes half-closed in pleasure, then reluctantly pulled it away. Mulder lay still as she continued to paint his body with the blood: shoulders and chest, sides and abdomen. Her wet hands circled his belly in slow concentric circles, then slid to stroke his hips. He groaned slightly, leaning his head back and closing his eyes, as her hands found his pelvis and began to move even lower. To his relief she skirted his genitals and proceeded down his left leg, coating that limb fully, even drawing her blood-painted fingers between his toes. She gave the same thorough attention to his right foot and leg, this time inching her way upwards from his foot to his thigh. She paused there to plunge her arms, almost to the elbow, into the pitcher of blood, too excited to bother pouring the warm, viscous fluid into the bowl. Her own blood was racing with exultation. Mulder's control broke as she held her gory, dripping hands over his now fully erect penis. The splatter of wet fluid over his sensitized skin made him jerk against his chains. As her hands began to caress him, he moaned low and deep in his throat. He wanted and hated her touch: Wanted to pull her against him and release the flood of his desire into the furnace of her body. Wanted to pull her off of him and throw her to the floor. Wanted to devour her mouth with his. Wanted to close his hands around her throat and squeeze the life out of her. Wanted... His conscious mind shattered as she swooped down to close upon him with the moist heat of her mouth and tongue. --------------- (January 31, 1995) (early evening) Mulder woke with a jolt into total darkness. Yawning, he brought his hand down to his face to rub his eyes. Moved his hand? He froze for an instant, then attempted an awkward leap towards a sitting position. Crying out in pain, he ended up sprawled across the bed, agony piercing his arms, shoulders and legs. It felt like a thousand pins and needles were stabbing into his flesh. Tears filled his eyes as he realized that he was finally free of the chains. Free, but only barely able to move. Slowly he lifted, bent, and rotated his right arm, wincing as the muscles protested the sudden movement after days on being imprisoned in one position. When he could move that arm without intense discomfort, he excersized the other. Finally able to sit up, he leaned down to massage the aching muscles in his legs. He was bent over the edge of the bed, fiercely probing his right calf muscle, when the door opened, sending a bright stream of light into the darkness. Mulder grimaced, shielding his dark-adjusted eyes with his right hand. Peering through his fingers he watched Claire as she entered the room and lit the candles. The flames sputtered and grew, throwing a soft glow over the room. As his eyes adjusted, Mulder pulled his hand down and sat still watching her, his mind clicking while his emotions boiled. Claire finished lighting the candles and turned to look at him. He was still nude, long legs sprawled out awkwardly off the edge of the bed. His elbows rested on his knees, hands clasped under his chin. His skin was covered with a brown, flaking crust of dried blood, while his eyes glinted up at her from under a wing of disarrayed bangs. She walked over to stand in front of him, reaching out to smooth down a lock of hair that was standing on end just off the crown of his head. Mulder didn't respond. He just kept giving her that intense, piercing stare. She smiled, leaning down to kiss his forehead, then walked across the room. Opening a drawer, she removed a long black robe, a larger version of the gown she was wearing. Turning back to him, she held it out to him. "Its time," she said. He met her eyes in acknowledgment. Taking the robe from her he donned it quickly, stumbling slightly as he stood up. She steadied him briefly, then holding his right arm, she led him from the room. ------------------------ Dana Scully struggled impotently against the ropes binding her wrists and ankles. Her mind was still numb. She had a faint memory of eating dinner with Mulder and Claire, then of feeling exhausted. She remembered thinking, 'I'll close my eyes just for a minute.' Then there was nothing until she'd slowly awakened here. Wherever 'here' was. She tried to take stock of her surroundings. The room was painted in black, walls decorated with surreal and violent paintings. She was bound to a couch-like table that reminded her uncomfortably of an altar. Candles flickered on a nearby table and in branched-holders dotted throughout the room. It was difficult to see what else was on the table from her vantage point: a few bottles and a bowl, as well as something with a bright metallic glimmer. Realizing that she was unlikely to be able to break the bonds herself, she stopped struggling and lay still, conserving her strength. She wondered yet again where Mulder was, praying that he was alright. She knew that if it was humanly possible, and maybe even if it was not humanly possible, Mulder would find her. He'd never give up. But that was only if he was still alive. Or was it? Scully almost laughed. While she'd never been one to believe in ghosts, if there was anyone stubborn enough to become one, even if only to prove to her that they were real, it would be Fox Mulder. He'd probably haunt her just to say 'I told you so.' Right now she'd be willing to hear that from him. To hear anything from him. The sound of the door opening caught her attention and she lifted her head slightly to get a better look. She drew a deep breath in shock as Claire led Mulder into the room, both dressed in flowing black robes. Claire looked angelic. Her face was serene and glowing, her long blond hair cascading down over her shoulders all the way to her waist. Mulder, on the other hand, looked horrible - frightening. He walked with an uncomfortable shuffle that was a far cry from his usual athletic grace. His skin looked like it was peeling, though as she got a closer look, she realized it was coated with a rust-brown substance that was beginning to flake off. But it was his face and eyes and made her stomach cramp up in knots. The bones stood out under his skin in sharp definition, creating deep hollows beneath his eyes and cheekbones. His forehead was covered by a mass of tangled hair. His eyes were deep-set and cold: iris and pupil combined into an indistinguishable black hole. He barely glanced at Scully, standing motionless where Claire placed him by Scully's feet. "Mulder..." Scully tried to speak to him. "Be silent," Claire responded, leaning down over Scully to re-check her bonds. "What's going on, Claire? What's wrong with Mulder?" Scully asked insistently. Without a word, Claire picked up a long black cloth from the table and bound it around Scully's mouth, tying the ends around the back of her head. Claire stood back for a moment, then finally satisfied with the condition of her victim, she smiled. "Nothing's wrong with Mulder, Dana." she purred. "He's just been awakened to his full power as an Angel of Darkness. Tonight, you will be his first sacrifice to the Dark Powers." Scully shook her head in shock, trying desperately to comprehend Claire's words. "Dark Powers? Mulder awakened..." He didn't look awakened, he looked catatonic. A flash of light caught Scully's eye and she almost gagged on the cloth caught between her teeth. Claire was holding up a long ceremonial knife with elaborately carved hilt and a twelve-inch blade. Scully's eyes widened as the truth finally struck her. Claire was the killer they had been searching for! "Nooo!" she barely managed to make the sound as Claire moved towards her with the knife. However, before Claire could begin to lower the shining edge towards the helpless agent, her hand was arrested in mid-air as Mulder's fist closed around her wrist. Her hair shimmered as she turned to look up a him. He didn't say a word, just stared fiercely at her, eyes glowing like twin coals. Claire leaned her head back and laughed, a glorious tinkling sound that echoed in the silence. Then she relaxed her hold on the hilt and let the knife slip into his waiting hand. Scully watched in shock as Mulder hefted the knife in his hands, turning it over, testing its balance. The red-haired agent closed her eyes in anguish, terrified both for Mulder and for herself. She didn't understand what was happening. But he was her partner - and more. He was the other half of her soul. She sent up a silent, pleading prayer and lay still as he held the knife high, clasped in both hands, pointed downward over her breast. She looked straight up into his eyes, desperately trying to communicate with him, but his eyes remained blank. He stood frozen in that position for a brief second, though it seemed like an eternity to the woman trapped below the knife. "Noooo!" Scully moaned through her gag, squeezing her eyes shut, as Mulder jerked his hands downwards, but the voice that screamed in pain was not her own. Scully's eyes flashed open and she twisted her head to the side. Claire was writhing against the table, hands helplessly trying to fend off the knife that Mulder brought down upon on her again and again. Blood spurted from wounds in her chest and abdomen, flowed from gashes in her hands and arms. One swipe came down across her face, marring its perfection with a jagged, dripping line of bared flesh. Another pierced her breast, penetrating her robe as though it was tissue paper, splitting the soft flesh wide open. The metal flashed in the candlelight, splattering red drops of blood over the entire scene, as it continued to strike her. Claire screamed achingly, in a deep groan that grew until it shattered into a keening wail and silenced. But Mulder wouldn't stop. He kept stabbing her broken body over and over while it slid to the floor like a rag doll. He kept stabbing her until he buried the knife point into her skull so firmly that he was unable to pull it free. Scully watched him with tearful eyes as he yanked angrily at the knife hilt. Finally he cried out in frustration, sinking to his knees on the floor beside Claire's mangled body. He reached out with cupped hands and drew up a handful of her blood to his mouth. Scully watched with horror as he lapped at it eagerly. A sudden loud noise at the door startled them both. Scully thrust her tongue against her bond, trying to push it out enough to cry for help. Mulder stumbled to his feet, barely reaching an upright position by the time the door opened and Sheriff Turner came bursting in, gun in hand. Two deputies spilled in after him, their eyes widening in shock as they took in the gory scene facing them. Mulder let it his blood-dripping hands fall to his side and stood motionless, looking straight at the Sheriff, his mouth slowly curving into a grin. "Welcome to the party, Sheriff," he said. ----------------------------------------- (February 1, 1995) Haverford Town Green Snow crunched under her footsteps as Dana Scully walked across the small town green. Spotting the tall, dark figure of her partner standing by the edge of a frozen pond, she almost broke into a run. Finally coming up beside him, she pulled to halt, turning to look up at him with deep concern in her clear blue eyes. "Mulder..." "I'm fine, Scully," he responded, not meeting her eyes. He remained motionless, staring intently out over the ice. Scully sighed in frustration. She hated it when he shut her out like this. She'd thought she'd been making progress, but now the barriers were shut down tight around him again. Not for the first time, she found herself wishing Claire was still alive so that Scully could have the pleasure of strangling her. But Mulder had been thorough. Scully would never lose the image of Claire's mangled body, or the sight of Mulder wielding that knife. She closed her eyes and shuddered, again seeing the flex of muscles in his arms, the bright spurt of blood that splashed first over him, then onto Scully herself, and the way Claire's body had slid down to the floor. But despite the horror of those memories, she would never blame Mulder for what he had done. And neither would the sheriff. They had both listened to his mechanically-recited story with sick hearts, never doubting a word. There was plenty of physical evidence to support him. One of the sheriff's men had been violently sick after finding a freezer full of the missing organs. Hearts, lungs, kidneys were piled haphazardly on top of each other in a frozen puddle. A nearly empty pitcher of blood was found in the refrigerator, as well as left-over food that was later proven to contain human meat. The sheriff had begun investigating Claire after the agents had disappeared. Nothing more than a hunch at first, his suspicions of the doctor had quickly grown. People he had questioned about her had seemed uneasy. She had left a high- paying job at a hospital in Chicago for no apparent reason. Finally, a detailed comparison of ordering and supply records at the clinic showed that more morphine had been ordered than had been recorded in the supply log. Convinced that she was involved in the murders, and possibly in the agent's disappearance as well, the sheriff had pushed for a warrant to search her house. Scully would always be grateful for the sheriff's quick thinking. If he hadn't gotten to Claire's house when he did... Lost in thought, she didn't notice that Mulder had stopped staring out over the pond and had angled his head around to watch her. He studied her silently for a few long moments, watching as the breeze rustled through her shoulder- length auburn hair. The cold air had burnished her cheeks to as nearly a bright red as her hair. The bright blue of her coat reflected into the deep blue of her eyes. Each precious breath she released was vivid in the icy air. He wanted to reach out and hold her, but was terrified to do so. He felt contaminated, dirty, after what Claire had made him do. Scully finally realized he was watching her and looked up to meet his eyes. The anguish she saw in them struck her deeply. She reached out for his hands, refusing to let go even as he tried to pull away. "No," she told him firmly. "I won't let you run away from me, Fox Mulder. Not now." He silently shook his head. "Damn it Mulder, talk to me!" she yelled, tightening her grasp on his fingers. "Scully, there isn't anything to say." "Nothing to say? After all you've been through? Please, don't shut me out. I care about you." "I care about you too, Scully," he replied sadly. "Its just that I...I'm not good at this." He pulled away and turned his back to her momentarily, his head bent down, studying his hands. Then straightening his shoulders, he turned back to face her. "Scully, I felt something for her. I hated her as much as I've ever hated anyone, and yet a part of me still wanted her. And at the end, after I killed her, I felt so empty. Once the rage was gone, it was like there was nothing left of me. She thought I was like her, Scully, and I'm beginning to think that maybe she was right." Scully felt tears forming in her eyes as she glared fiercely up at her, her eyes burning. "NO! you are nothing like her, Mulder. Her obsession with you was just another facet of her sickness. It had nothing to do with you. You were as much her victim as the girls she murdered, Mulder. You KNOW that!" she insisted vehemently. He shrugged his shoulders. "Mulder!" she said again, searching his face. "No-one blames you for anything. Don't blame yourself. Most people would not have had survived what you went through. But you held yourself together and saved both of our lives. That took courage and strength. Don't start doubting yourself now." "Scully, I..." he shook his head slightly. "I guess I'm afraid. I'm dangerous for the people around me." His voice deepened with emotion. "I couldn't bear it if you were killed." She stepped up against him, grasping his upper hands, and bending her head back to look up into his face. "Mulder, I can't guarantee that either of us will live to see tomorrow. Either one of us cold be run over by a car. Our plane could crash on the way back to Washington. Any number of things could happen - but you can't live terrified of 'could be's.' I'm here now and have no intention of dying for a very long time. You have to trust me, and trust yourself." He looked deeply into her eyes for a long moment, then reached out and wrapped her up tightly against him. With a sigh of relief, she relaxed into his arms, resting her head against his chest while he buried his face into her hair. The sunlight glimmered on the snow and ice as they stood enclosed in each other's arms, grateful to be alive and together. The End